Another sleepless night

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After class finished the blond and the Raven said good bye to Shinra. Shizuo walked Izaya home holding a arm around Izaya's shoulder making sure he wouldn't fall over. The bruising on Izaya's face was bad and it irritated Shizuo. But they kept quit all the way. Shizuo waved bye as he unlocked his door and went inside. His mom was home early able to pick his brother up from school so he didn't have to walk himself.

"Hi mom. How was your day?" Shizuo asked chugging milk from the jug.

"Fine honey. And yours. You seem troubled." She looked at him a little worried.

"This kid at school. I became friends with him. Anyways he came to school looking like a wreck. He was beaten so badly and he won't tell me what happened....." He crushed the empty milk jug trying not to loose his temper

"What?! That's horrible. Well if you ever bring him home he can stay here. Do you think he is getting bullied?" Shizuo's mom asked rather seriously putting her hands on her sons shoulders

"I... I don't know but he and his family are our new neighbors Izaya Orihara. The really scrawny and pathetic kid with black longish hair." Shizuo explained.

"I know exactly who your talking about. That boy's father beats the crap out of his son. Frankly it pisses me off. Just listening to them. And I can't even do anything. All the police are more concerned on stopping the gangs around here." She let go of Shizuo and went back to cleaning as they continued their conversation.

"I..... I wanted to hug him today. He just looks so broken. I just wanted to hug him and make him smile." Shizuo looked down his face darkened as a few tears rushed down his cheeks. His mother hugged him telling him they would figure something out.

"It's ok. Maybe you can bring him over tomorrow and we can take him out to dinner." His mom said with a smile brushing the tears off of Shizuo's face.

Shizuo nodded sitting down at the table starting on his home work as his brother walked in and they both started working on math. It was pretty quiet till night time hit. The family sat down for dinner and had a nice meal then all went to bed. The yelling started around 10 and it seemed to get worse every night.
Izaya was laying on the floor in the hallway after making another mistake and spilling beer all over the kitchen floor. Broken glass was everywhere and the place stank of cigarettes. His back was up against his wall as his dad was standing there yelling horrible things at him. His body felt weak. Heavy like he couldn't get up. He wanted to run for some reason he wanted Shizuo. He wanted Shinra. They were kind. His eyes were half open as everything seemed to go in slow motion. The blood from his nose dripped making a small pool on the carpet. His clothing torn and his bruises shown. More yelling that's all he ever herd. He had wondered why his mom left him and didn't take him with his sisters. His dad was only mad because he looked just like his mom and took it out on him. He was more broken than Izaya was soaring his sorrows in gambling and beer often a drunk. Izaya after laying there for a few hours he pushed himself up getting up slowly as he dragged his body to his room to hide in the closet.

Shizuo after yet another night of nothing but yelling. This time he focused on the words that were being screamed next door. He lay in his bed with wide eyes in disbelief at what he herd. He could hear something getting kick and bottles breaking. Which he drew the line at the bottles breaking. The idea of Izaya getting stabbed flashed in his head. He opened his window and jumped making his way down to the ground. It was an easier escape. He kicked down the door of Izaya's house and bust in beating the shit out of the man for a change.

"You bloody ass hole! I should kill you for what you did. Izaaaaayyyaaaa!!!" He screamed Izaya's name many times till his voice grew horse searching the house in a panic.

He almost turned the place upsides. Then threw open Izaya's closet door and stood frozen seeing Izaya's scared eyes in the darkness. He was terrified to see Shizuo here. But Shizuo didn't care he picked the now shaking Izaya up and left leaving the house a wreck and a broken bones man on the floor. He kicked his own door till his father and mother ran down and flung it open. His mom had her hands over his mouth and his fathers eyes grew big.

"Oh my gosh Shizuo bring him inside hurry." Shizuo's mom said as they took Izaya in and Shizuo sat down on the couch while they stopped Izaya's nose from bleeding.

Shizuo ran his fingers through Izaya's hair trying to calm him till Izaya passed out. He lay in Shizuo's lap resting his back against Shizuo's chest his head on the blonds shoulder. Izaya had beaten so badly they had to take him to the hospital.

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