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Shinra woke up early. He had slept beside his bed to keep a eye on Izaya if he needed anything. He sat up to look over at Izaya who had his back facing him. He was shaking again Shinra put another blanket over the raven. Then realized it wasn't from being cold it was from fear. Looking down there were red spots on his shirt where some wounds had reopened a little. Shinra woke up Izaya gentle now worried again.

"Hey time to get up. Izaya can you hear me?" Shinra said shaking Izaya's shoulder.

"Yes... I...I hear you." Izaya said almost silently sitting up with Shinra's help. "I...I'm sorry." His eyes went wide looking down at the familiar crimson colour that now ruined the sides of his white t shirt.

Shinra helped Izaya to the bathroom where he patched up the wounds so they wouldn't have to go to the doctor. He looked up at Izaya who had a scowl on his face from the pain. He was to tired to hug his sides and he looked paler than yesterday.

" How many years? How many years have you put up with this Izaya?" Shinra asked seriously.

"So many years... I can't remember...He will come looking for me. His mistake.... I wish to forget." Izaya said calmly opening his eyes.

"Your not a mistake! You my friend and Shizuo's friend to." He helped Izaya up and into the kitchen for some breakfast

Lucky for them his dad was off to work at the lab for today so just Celty, Izaya and himself. It would be a peaceful day. And they would go for a walk maybe, even if Izaya had to be carried or not. Outside would be a good idea for once. Izaya laid down on the couch looking up at the ceiling not really hungry. He closed his eyes day dreaming of how wonderful it was to have friends. Something he had never had. It felt good. His blood ran cold when a loud pounding came from the front door. It reminded him when he was in his bed room as his father hit the door with his fists. Getting up slowly and crawling to a close room to hide in the closet. Izaya lay his head back on some blankets. A lot nicer closet than the one he had. Dusty and nothing soft to lay your head on. The loud knock came again.

"Open the damn door before I kick it down?!" The familiar voice yelled loudly.

Izaya opened his eyes wide. The words seemed familiar but from who. Shinra only yelled back opening the door as Shizuo walked in.

"Hey what's the big idea. I was supposed to look after Izaya this weekend. Shizuo your not even supposed to be here. You need to take a break. Do you even sleep anymore?!" Shinra complained pushing his classes up as Celty stood behind him her arms crossed.

"I know I know. I'm sorry.... It's just. Well I couldn't sleep at all last night or the night before that. I'm worried as hell about that kid. What if he gets sick or stops breathing in his sleep, what if he bleeds to death." Shizuo went in of all his crazy ideas as he stressfully ran his fingers through his hair. "Wait.... Where is Izaya?"

"Oh.... About that..... I.... I ah have no idea. But he is in the house. You probably scared him with being so dang loud." Shinra went pale to see Shizuo so mad.

It wasn't long before the blond frantically looked and ran through the house searching for his Izaya. He opened the hall closet to see Izaya sitting on the floor perfectly curled up resting his head in a pile of blankets. He was asleep. Shizuo ran a hand through Izaya's hair gently then saw those dull eyes of Izaya look up at him. He looked so weak.... lifeless... vulnerable. Shizuo hugged Izaya close as he sat on the floor. Izaya curled up in the blonds lap feeling the strong arms around him. It felt safe. He closed his eyes not saying anything as the only noise that was herd between the two was Izaya's heavy breathing as if the raven had run miles.

"You sound terrible. You better be taking those stupid pills. Their supposed to help heal your wounds. Izaya my mom went back to the doctors today to pick up your results from being beaten nearly to death....." He sighed resting his cheek on Izaya's head.

"Yup Celty I told you. "Special friend" aren't they just priceless. The lion and the lamb." Shinra chuckled as Shizuo growled. "Hey it's fine protective mama bird I won't mess with your baby. And yes he took his meds reluctantly. I'm a doctor remember. But those wounds of his. They were bleeding today. A lot I would say." He got more serious after his last words towards Shizuo.

"What?! Sorry Izaya...." Shizuo said putting a hand on Izaya's side feeling the thick layers of white bandages under the thin shirt. "Hmm why don't we go watch a movie Shinra, Celty? "

[I Think that's a wonderful idea. Do you mind if I hold Izaya. I just want to check his wounds maybe I can help with anything] Celty typed showing Shizuo who nodded granting her request.

Izaya groaned when he was picked up into new gentle arms then looked at Celty curiously, his eyes a little wide. She had such a peaceful vibe around her and gave off the impression of smiling so Izaya calmed then  grinned shyly back as her as she sat down on the couch turning on a action film. The all sat on the couch together after Shinra made popcorn. Shinra cuddled Celty close with Izaya in her lap. Izaya's head resting on Shizuo's shoulder as the two were fast asleep their heads touching one another. This only made Celty and Shinra giggle. Such a peaceful Saturday.

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