New place new surroundings

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Shinra had guided Izaya into his car letting him sit in the back saying good bye to Shizuo who was regretting the idea. The drive wasn't to long but it would have been longer if walking. So Shizuo wasn't to far away. Izaya was shaking again. He kept wondering why Shinra's father had a gas mask over his face.

"My dad doesn't like the pollution in the air." He told Izaya shaking his head.

"O..oh is that so?" Izaya said in a tone that was almost a whisper.

Shinra nodded rubbing Izaya's shoulder. He kept forgetting that Izaya was afraid of almost everything at first and trusted no one. So things were a little rough. The car finally pulled I to the driveway and Shinra helped Izaya out of the car and took his bag of clothes. Izaya was still shaking a bit.

"Hey its alright. Home won't hurt ya." Shinra said with a smile guiding Izaya through the front door.

Izaya grabbed onto Shinra's shoulder tightly. He looked around at the new house. He found at least four good hiding places but froze completely. His blood ran cold as he turned very pale. He looked at a woman standing in the kitchen. She wore a leather suit and she had no head. In replace of having no head a dark mist was rising. Izaya  left quickly to hide into Shinra's closet. 

"Celty!!! I'm home!!. Izaya? Oh hey Celty that's Izaya he is Shizuo's "special friend." And he came from a abusive home. He almost died actually. So fear is a big thing with him. Its hard. Nothing against you my lovely Celty." Shinra smiled hugging Celty.

[Hmm is that so... That explainst the bandaged around his neck,arms and chest.] Celty stated showing her phone to Shinra.

"Yup that's right. He got hurt really bad. So let's go find him. Maybe we can get him to come out. I was thinking we can watch a movie and keep things quiet." Shinra said looking around in his room finding Izaya in his closet

Izaya was hugging his knees hiding his head on his arms. He felt safe in corners. Shinra had a sad look on his face feeling sorry for Izaya. Then he put a gentle hand in Izaya's head rubbing it gently like Shizuo did. Izaya looked up at Shinra then freaked out when he saw Celty.

"No no no its ok. Celty is a dear friend of mine she won't hurt you I promise"

Izaya looked up at Celty who held out a hand for Izaya to shake. Izaya reached out slowly shaking her hand lightly it was as if he wasn't holding her hand at all. If she could smile I'm sure she would have. But she ment no harm and Izaya saw that. He came out of the closet to hide close to Shinra.

[Its nice to meet you Izaya. I promise I will never hurt you. Ok?] Celty typed showing Izaya. [He lookes really gentle. What exactly happened tohim? His face is badly bruised Shinra.] She typed showing Shinra privately.

Shinra shrugged and left getting a ice pack holding it to Izaya's bruised face. Izaya seemed calmed as they sat on the floor in the dark room. A few hours later Izaya had fallen asleep resting his head on Shinra's shoulder.

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