Lost memories

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It had been two weeks since that day Izaya's eyes opened. So much for waking up soon the doctors guess he wasn't ready to wake up just yet. Shizuo didn't leave his side much unless Shinra or Celty dragged him away. Izaya stared at the blank ceiling. It was evening and the sun was setting. He felt light like air. Numb he hugged his stomach with one arm. He wasn't sure how he got in this room but he was alone. His vision was foggy and his eyes were half open. When he drifted off back to sleep the door opened quietly and Shizuo walked in. He sat down in the visitor chair with a take out box that had noodles in it.

"Hmmm?" He looked up putting a fork full of noodles in his mouth. "Izaya?! Are you awake????" He watched Izaya look at him opening his eyes. "Do you remember me?" His voice sounded angry and in pain scared from what the doctor had said.

"Shizu-chan..... Someone who loves me." His eyes were half opened and his voice was horse and quiet.

"Y..yes!" Shizuo put the box on the bed side table and hugged Izaya close in the bed.

Izaya resting his spinning head on Shizuo's chest.

"How did I get here? I feel numb." Izaya ask closing his eyes.

"You don't remember do you? You come from a very abusive home. The doctor said you can live with me. Your father is going to rot in jail for what he did to his kid." He kissed Izaya's head smiling.

" I don't honestly recall having a father... It's a blur. How long have I been asleep." He touched the oxygen tubes under his nose.

"Two weeks. The doctor said this was one of the worst beating he had ever seen from a abusive home. Your safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you. Celty and Shinra have visited many times." Shizuo spoke softly hugging Izaya close in his strong arms being gentle to the weak frame that lay next to him. "You feel so cold. How are you feeling anyways. I was so excited to see you wake up I forgot to ask you." He smiled then paused hearing Izaya crying. "What's wrong? Are you in pain?"

Izaya shook his head and rolled into his side with much struggle. His grip on Shizuo's shirt was tight as he buried his face in the blonds chest crying quietly

"I...I'm a mistake.... I'm sorry I made you worry so much... I...I guess in truly pathetic." Izaya cried quietly.

"Izaya? N... No that's not true. Why would you say that. I like the way you are. Your sweet and gentle. And you are no mistake. Never think that." Shizuo said harshly then hugged Izaya close

"W...what? What do you mean by that." He looked up confused.

"I mean exactly what I said silly. I wanna take you home soon. I bet you feel awful you haven't moved for two weeks. I'll be right back." He got up slowly laying Izaya back down gently.

Shizuo left the room and came back five minutes later with the doctor. The doctor walked over to Izaya and looked over his thin form. He seemed to be in deep thought.

"Well it will take him a long time to heal. I guess you will be able to take him home but he requires some attention if you are dedicated young man." The doctor said.

"R...really?! Yes I would be more than happy to take him home and do whatever it takes." Shizyo smiled helping Izaya sit up.


After a few more days in that boring hospital Shizuo and his family were able to have their new member at their home. Izaya seemed to like to clean. And would freak out any time he saw a beer bottle for some reason but couldn't recall why. Shizuo loved the cuddle times when Izaya was to tired to move around. His body was so weak from the beating there wasn't much he could do anyways. Shizuo stayed on a strict schedule and gave Izaya his pills and made him food. They sat in the couch watching some family movie that was on the tv. Shizuo put a spoon of soup in Izaya's mouth slowly. He looked at the ravens tired eyes with a smile. He kissed Izaya's head they were home alone this weekend. His family was out helping his little brother in his dreams of acting. It was peace and quiet. Till Shinra knocked on the door loudly that is. Izaya groaned holding his head he curled up on the couch.

" ah Shinra...." Shizuo grumbled irritated he was interrupted. "I'm coming. Just be quiet." He opened the door and Shinra came skipping in happily. " stay quiet alright. I don't think he can handle loud noises yet. His ass hole father hit him in the head with a metal bar a few times. It's amazing he is still alive from taking a blow like that."

"Are you serious??" Shinra happy expression turned to worry and sadness as he walked over to Izaya who was hiding deep in a pile of warm blankets. "Hey Izaya it's me Shinra. I came to see how you were healing. Hey look at that the bruising in your face is almost gone." Shinra smiled pulling the blanket away from Izaya's face a little.

"H...hi Shinra. S...sorry..." He struggled to sit up but did so anyways then hugged Shinra. "I...missed you S...Shinra ." He smiled closing his eyes.

"I missed you to buddy. I'm glad you are healing nicely. Shizuo makes a good nurse." He hugged Izaya back gentle, teasing Shizuo.

"Ah well. What can I say. I rather it be me than those people at the hospital who are to busy for him." Shizuo growled irritatedly "Izaya you need to finish your soup while it's still warm. You haven't really eaten all day." Shizuo sat before Izaya feeding him the soup again slowly.

Izaya curled up in Shizuo's lap falling back asleep as Shizuo put the empty bowl on the table. He pulled a fuzzy blanket around Izaya tucking him in as Shinra sat next to Shizuo talking about some book Shinra had been getting into as the movie played. It was a relaxing day as the night came up quickly. Shinra had left for home long ago. He looked down at the raven rubbing his back gently feeling the strange spot of the broken disks in his lower back. Izaya flinched and groaned waking up.

"Sorry I forgot that hurts. Sure does feel weird like it's kinda off. Sorry buddy." Shizuo said looking down at Izaya with soft eyes.

"It's nothing really. Don't worry about it." Izaya said sitting up and looked at the full moon outside.

"Well shall we go off to bed? You think you want to try and walk the stairs tonight?" Shizuo asked.

"Y...yes I think that would be a good idea. I don't want to be a burden." Izaya said standing up slowly he was shaky and would have lost balance if not for Shizuo's strong arm around his waist holding him steady.

"Your never a burden. I'm more than happy to look  after you. After all I love you my little Izaya." Shizuo spoke softly in Izaya's ear.

Together the walked slowly up to Shizuo's bed room. One step at a time Shizuo kept a close eye on Izaya proud to see his love walking with some support. Not that he mind carrying him. He loved holding Izaya to listen to his soft pattern of his heart beat. Or the touch of the soft black hair and how smooth it always felt. He loved those glowing eyes they looked so powerful like one day he would concur the world. Shizuo wouldn't have wished for anyone more perfect. Izaya felt the same tho he would never admit it. He loved the strong arm around his weak form. It made him feel confident and safe as if he wouldn't feel as weak as he was. He loved the blue shades Shizuo always wore. He loved the warm hand that ran through his aching head. The soft thumbs that brushed across his cheeks. When the two made it up the stairs Izaya was already tired so Shizuo picked him up gently. Shizuo could feel his lovers beaten form. It made him angry. He laid down gently in his bed with Izaya at his side half on his stomach and half on the soft bed under the blankets. Shizuo touched the bandages around Izaya's head to make sure nothing was bleeding then check for anything else's that seemed off. He watched Izaya drift off to sleep as his breathing evens out and he relaxed. He put his blue shades on the bed side table putting a arm around Izaya's shoulders falling asleep himself. The two of them lost deep in their dreams.

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