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Shizuo lay on the couch fast asleep still getting used to the pleasure Izaya was home. The small lump of Izaya in blankets lay on top of him breathing heavily. The tv was still on quietly playing action movies. Shizuo smiled in his sleep one hand on Izaya's back feeling the gentle patter of his heart. Izaya was snoring here and there quietly he was exhausted. His casts were laid aside so he could have a break from them. Dark bags under the ravens eyes remained from being on the computer for to long. For once he did something right. But at this cost. It was a great one. But even he survived. Exposing the rogue yellow scarves was a success and now the authorities were on their trails before they could hurt any more innocent lives. Around 6 am Shizuo woke up to go smoke. It's like his body had a alarm telling him when he needed his nicotine. But he didn't want to bother Izaya. He looked down at the raven he looked so thin. But peaceful. Shizuo lay his hand on Izaya's shoulder careful not to irritate the broken limbs. He got up slowly. With relief seeing Izaya was still asleep. Shizuo went to the bathroom he herd another noisy cat fight that echoed out the window.

"Ah the damn cats. Their so loud. Can't they just take a break." Shizuo complained quietly finishing his business.

Izaya curled up closer to the couch under the blankets not trying to move much. Shizuo went outside he closed the door as he stood on the porch lighting a cigarette. What a peaceful way to start the morning. He saw his neighbour doing the same. The old man waved to Shizuo and walked closer to him for they both lived on the same level.

"Hey Shizuo. How is your boyfriend Izaya?" The old man asked with a polite smile.

"I wish I could say good. He was asleep for so long he looks like a skeleton." Shizuo sighed blowing a puff of smoke in the air.

"That's to bad. I'm sorry Shizuo. But I am thankful he decided to stick around. You two belong together till the ends of time." The old man smiled with a chuckle. "Just like my wife and I. If there is anything you need. We're just next door. Have a good day kid. Stay out of trouble." The old man waved putting out his smoke and heading back inside.

"You to old man..... You to." Shizuo said quietly chuckling to himself.

Shizuo smiled to himself having such nice old folk as their neighbours. The elderly woman would come and look after Izaya when Shizuo was at work. She acted like a mother to the raven or well a grandmother. They clicked and became good friends over the years. Shizuo looked up at the sky as it slowly turned blue. He dropped his cig and flinched when he felt a face run into his back tiredly. Quickly he looked back to see Izaya leaning into him limply. He had the blanket around him like a cloak.

"You left... Guess I woke up. Sorry. Please hold me tho." Izaya said half asleep rather childishly.

"I'm sorry flea. I didn't mean to wake you up. But you need to wear those casts if your going to be walking around. You arm and leg are still hurt." Shizuo said kissing Izaya's head picking him up.

Izaya felt his light body being scooped up by strong arms. It's wasn't long before he fell back asleep again his head snuggled close to Shizuo's chest. The warm heart beat ran in Izaya's ears like a lullaby. Shizuo couldn't help but smile hearing those little snores and Izaya's innocent and gentle face. He walked back inside and laid down in their rather large bed. Shizuo was careful not to move his love to much. It was a work day which angered Shizuo. He wanted to stay home with his little Izaya and cuddle all day. His warm hand ran along Izaya's thing frame feeling his back bone. Izaya shifted and cuddles close to Shizuo in his sleep which just made the blond smile more.

"I have to get ready for work. I'll be leaving in a hour. I'll let our neighbours know so they can come check on you. Ok? Flea? Izaya? Izaya wake up." Shizuo growled and shook Izaya lightly.

"Mm hmmm... Yes... Another work day... Have fun... Shizu-chan." Izaya mumbled looking  up with half open eyes.

He felt Shizuo's gently lips on his head. Then he smiled meeting his lips with Shizuo's.  Then Izaya laid back down and watched as the sky changed till it was a bright blue. Shizuo had gotten out of the shower and walked into their room shirtless trying to find his clean close. He had been lazy with household chores since Izaya had left. Chuckling to himself looking back at Izaya as he buttoned his white bartender shirt.

"You ok flea? You seemed spaced out. Celty wanted to come visit you today early. She  should probably be here in a hour or so." Shizuo said putting on his nice vest.

"Y...ya I'm fine Shizu-Chan. Just tired. It's weird. Being asleep for that long but not really sleeping. I was awake the whole time. But you kept telling me to wake up. I feel lost..." Izaya said quietly sitting up.

"Hey Izaya it's ok. Don't worry about it. Your here now and that's all that matter to me." Shizuo said sitting down and hugging his raven.

"I feel like I failed you." Izaya mumbled.

"How so?" Shizuo said confused

"Im just so pathetic. I weigh you down.... You deserve better." Izaya said hiding his face in Shizuo's chest.

"You are better." Shizuo said resting a cheek in Izaya's head.

" I'm not." Izaya said quietly.

"You know. Out of everyone in high school there was always something special about you. I never felt angry towards you. In fact I always liked you. Just as you are. And your still the same. After all these years." Shizuo said.

"Seriously? I was such a quiet kid in high school. Now everyone knows my name." Izaya chuckled while Shizuo let go.

"Yup. And you still hide in the closet during loud noises or under the blankets." Shizuo chuckled.

"You make everything better Shizu-chan" Izaya chuckled.

"So do you. I have to go now Celty will be here in a little bit." Shizuo said getting up, he kissed Izaya's soft lips.

"Good bye Shizuo-chan." Izaya responded then kissed back.

Shizuo put the blanket back around Izaya leaving the phone on the bed side table. He left quietly leaving Izaya to go back to sleep. About an hour later Celty came by unlocking their door with a spare key she was given. Then walked inside seeing Izaya asleep she chuckled to herself. Then rested a hand on his shoulder. He groaned the pushed his face into the pillow. He paused for a moment then looked up.

"Oh hey Celty how are you?" Izaya said quietly.

[im fine how are you feeling?] Celty types on her phone.

"I have had better days." Izaya chuckled.

Celty helped put on the cast around Izaya's arm putting it in a sling. Izaya gave a sigh of relief then smiled to himself. Celty put on the rather annoying cast around Izaya's lower leg that got run over.

[I still feel horrible that this happened to you] she shown Izaya her phone.

"Well I can't let someone beat up my precious humans. I can't keep watch on them all if they are dead or in the hospital." Izaya said looking down at Celty.

[breakfest?] Celty asked.

"Hmmm... No thanks I'm not really hungry." Izaya said quietly.

[well at least take your pills.] Celty responded.

"Alright fine." Izaya growled then got up slowly leaning into the wall. "It's like learning how to walk again. Funny really. Being knocked out for so long. Then breaking bones...." Izaya put a hand on the wall guiding his way to the kitchen.

It had been another slow and rather boring day. It had been a hour since Celty left and Izaya sat outside on the small deck looking at birds flying playfully in the sky. He looked back hearing the door unlock and open. His beautiful blond love walked in tiredly from a long day. Shizuo walked over to Izaya and rubbed his black hair kissing his lips gently. Izaya smiled closing his eyes as Shizuo picked him up. The best feeling in the world for both of them.

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