Nightmares cant come true!

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Shizuo hugged Izaya close in the guest room of Celty and Shinra's place. He could feel the cold shivering flea close to his warm body. Izaya was pale as his face nuzzled into Shizuo's chest. He was so adorable when he was asleep. Mumbling in his dreams. Shizuo on the other hand lay wide away. His chin resting on Izayas head gently. He stared at the wall not wanting to sleep in fear that dream would mess with his head again. It was not true and nothing bad was going to happen. He had almost lost Izaya twice before. But a third time would not come.... Would it? Shizuo shook his head. Izaya groaned and rolled over in his sleep. Shizuo smiled and put a warm hand in Izaya's cold pale skin under his shirt. He rubbed Izayas back till he eventually gave into sleep. The two of them slept in till almost noon and yet they still didn't want to wake up. When Shinra flung open the curtains Izaya sat up fast remembering his work.

"Wait I have to expose the yellow scarves before someone gets to it first?!nor more people will be hospitalized!!" Izaya  said rather loudly waking up Shizuo.

"Wait?! What's going on????" Shizuo said up quickly putting a hand on Izaya's shoulder. "Are you ok flea?" Shinra just burst out laughing happy to have the two in their house.

Celty was making breakfast for Shinra and Shizuo. Izaya nearly spend a hour in the shower deep in though on his schemes. His evil plans to mess with the gangs and start a gang war in Ikebukuro. Shizuo knocked on the door loudly as Izaya had just got out of the shower. He put a towel around himself unlocking the door as Shizuo entered brushing his teeth. Being as little as he was the towel was like a large fuzzy blanket.

"Up to no good again today my little Izaya? I have to go into work today. So I can't be playing around. I'll see you during my break. Ok?" Shizuo told Izaya while putting on cologne. 

"Ya sure thing. Call me during your break. Ok? Then again I'll probably be stalking you." Izaya said getting dressed with a chuckle. 

Shizuo loved the little things about Izaya. He hated any second away from his little Izaya. Protective isn't even the word to to properly describe Shizuo's relationship with His flea. He loved how he got to hold his little flea whenever he wanted or somethings as simple as helping the raven  with his shirt in the morning. As he walked down the side walk he looked up at the dark clouds ran over head.

"Looks like rain...." Shizuo sighed not liking the idea of getting soaked by the weather.

Izaya walked through town. He wore a smile on his face as he herd all the whispers from the humans that passed by. He didn't even consider himself part of their race. And no one one knew what Shizuo even was anymore. The towns hulk, incredible strength and rage. Almost everything pissed him off. Almost everything..... Izaya seemed to be the only one he got along with best besides the his boss. Shizuo walked down to the bar where he was working today instead of with Tom. The bar was always full of thugs. He hated them to and got in trouble for kicking the shit out of them. But it never seemed to matter. His boss at the bar tender job allowed it. He hated the gilt crawling into his bar just as much as Shizuo did. Only difference was, Shizuo did something about it. Shizuo walked in just in time. The rain began to fell as yet another gloomy day came. But that was only the beginning of it.....

"Hmm rain already. Oh well. It's so lovely when it rains. It's like it cleanses this town of its trash." Izaya grinned looking up at the sky his hood up.

Izaya looked around at his surrounding before going into a ally to avoid all people. He began his gossip and exposing the rogue yellow scarves members for beating the crap out of some of the dollars. Especially the girls which seemed to piss more people off.  Izaya looked up at the familiar sound of a bar tapping on the ground. When he looked up his smile fades. It was not Shizuo but some rogue yellow scarves that did whatever they pleased ignoring their boss's wishes. Izaya knew it was time to run. Ten was to many for him to take on all at once. Especially ten as big as these guys. They were excited to kick the crap out of the flea for exposing their secrets all over the internet.

"Your not in trouble until you get caught.... Right boys?" Izaya taunted then jumped over them kicking off the wall of the building.

The gang members ran after him with their weapons. They yelled how they were going to end Izaya. But Izaya only laughed and ran on his way ignoring them knowing he was one of the fastest in all ok Ikebukuro. Soon they began to lag behind. Back at the bar Shizuo kicked out yet another drunk who threatened to shoot someone because he refused to accept free drinks don't exist. Shizuo growled and walked back inside cleaning the water off of his blue shades. As he began to dry the glass cups. It seemed to always calm him down. It was a slow day. But the hours blew by like minutes. It was the lack of customers that made it seem so slow. He found himself constantly looking out the large window. It was still raining. He secretly hoped Celty would drive by or see Izaya on the run from a bunch of idiots. He glared at the clock that hung on the wall waiting for his break. He was out the door like a kid on a Friday running him from school. When the clock struck the exact time for his break. He felt free even tho it was only a hour break. It was enough. He dug into his pocket to pull out his phone. He called Izaya. Izaya who was still running. He wouldn't stop till he lost those gang members completely. He dug into his pocket feeling the vibrations.

"Ya what I'm busy! Oh it's you Shizu-chan. We'll never mind all my time is yours?" Izaya said panting while he was still running.

"Oh damn today was slow. Meet me at Russia Sushi in five minutes for lunch. Are you ok? I can hear you breathing like a dog." Shizuo said walking to the sushi restaurant.

"Ya ya just got into trouble I'll be there in a bit actually I'm already really close." Izaya said chuckling into the phone.

Shizuo looked up as he saw Izaya not to far away. He was crossing a crosswalk in front of a dark ally. But it didn't stay dark for long when a vans lights turned on and the car drive fast. Everything seemed in slow motion. Shizuo dropped his phone and ran as fast as he could. Izaya's smile faded as he was running in front of the vehicle. His body wouldn't react in time. Dodge, jump, get out of the way Izaya told himself. In the drivers seat. Yet another yellow scarves member. The man not only looked to be on drugs he was blood thirsty. Izaya's phone slid across the pavement. The rain came down. The car had hit Izaya hard in the side swerved around him and off it went. A hit and run. But the cops were soon after the crazy hijacked van. Shizuo dropped to his knees. Water splashed around the two of them as people gasped and some were freaking out asking hundreds of questions among themselves. Shizuo didn't know how to react. He saw his precious Izaya the same way he say him all those years ago back in that dreaded house. Izaya lay there. He felt tired, heavy..... Move... Get up... Run. Such simple words but no actions. He felt strong hands pull him into a lap. It felt good, safe. His body was numb. He wanted to fall asleep. He saw flashing lights. All the sound was drowned out. The rain was the only thing he could hear. I deserved it, I'm a mistake. He could feel multiple hands touching him now examining the damage. Blond, Izaya looked up at the blond..... Shizuo. It was safe.

"Stay awake. Tell me your name. Hey black hair kid. Damn he is loosing to much blood." A older lady Doctor yelled, maybe her late forties.

" hey blond kid what's your name? This your friend? Boyfriend whatever. Please try to get him to stay awake." A younger doctor calls out.

"Izaya. Can you hear me. Please. I need you!" Shizuo held Izaya your hand standing over him so he could see.

Shizuo nearly lost it when he watched those beloved eyes close. The only thing he could think is that those eyes might be shut forever. It made him sick when the doctors electric shocked Izaya to get him breathing again. The ambulance felt to cramped. So much noise. Shizuo's head began to spin. All the yelling and everything seemed to be in slow motion. The nightmare Shizuo had. The same dreams that made him sick to his stomach. Came true. If only he was a little faster.

It was to late....

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