What happened to you?

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Shizuo burst out the door more pissed at his neighbors who woke him up than anything else at the moment. He ran past his brother who looked up at him question what he was doing. Shizuo threw open the front door cursing under his breath and walked to the house one down from theirs. He banging on the door. But froze when he saw Izaya opening it slowly. He was shaking badly and his face was bruised and his nose bleeding. He looked exhausted.

"What the hell happened to you?! W...wait you live here!!!" Shizuo had no idea. He shook is head and took Izaya's arm and Izaya pulled back trembling.

"Y...you should go home. I'm sorry if we're bad neighbors and woke you up." His voice was nothing above a whisper.

He went pale when he herd his name then looked back. He closed the door locking it giving Shizuo no other choice than to go home. He wasn't going to wreck property this night that wasn't his. But he was going to beat out some answers out of Izaya tomorrow.


Izaya was a little late to class the next day and Shizuo nervously tapping his finger on the desk waiting for Izaya. He almost jumped out of his seat when Izaya walked into the room. He apologized to the teacher for being late then sat down in the back. He had a little bit of a limp and his neck and face were bruised as if he was punched in the face and grabbed by the neck to many times. He rested his head on his desk. Keeping it up with his arm. Another sleepless night and he was tired. Falling asleep class didn't sound to bad either. The teacher kept on talking about some history event that happens hundreds of years ago.

"You gunna tell me what the hell happened to you. Or will I have to beat it out of you." He glared Izaya angry at him for keeping secrets.

He flinched a little not wanting another beating from anyone."n...no. Don't worry about it I'm fine." He hugged his rib cage under his sweat shirt hoping to release some of the pain.

"I bet that's broken? You got a pretty bad beating. Bully's again?" Shinra interrupted as they seemed to all hang out in the back of the class

Izaya shook his head and remained silent the rest of the class period. He was more awake when the bell ran loudly for the next class. He looked out the window taking a minute to get up. But he felt a strong arm underneath his as he was lifted to his feet. He began shaking again from being touched. It seemed to frighten him no matter how gentle you were.

"Your shaking again. Are you cold Izaya?" Shizuo questioned as they stood in an empty class room with Shinra.

"N...no I...I'm just scared." Izaya said catching his balance releasing his arm from under his sweatshirt.

"Scared? Of what. Izaya you need to tell me what happened or I'll take you to the nurse. Do you need to go home. You look horrible."

"N...no!" Izaya said rather loudly that made the other two jump.

Izaya shook his head picked up his things and walked to his next class quickly. Shizuo looked at Shinra with a worried look before they two had headed out for their next class. Shizuo still having the same classes as Izaya. He let the raven haired boy sleep in the back for a bit he his pretty well considering his hair covered his eyes. Shizuo was worried now. He looked at Izaya's shallow breathing patterns.

"Hey Izaya class is over its lunch. We can stay here. No one is in here" Shizuo whispered to Izaya as he shook his shoulder lightly.

"Mm? " he opened his eyes and stared at the wall sitting up with more effort than he usually did. "P...please don't hit me. I know I'm a mistake...."

"What the hell does that mean. I won't hit you. Even if you piss me off. I won't hit you. Because your pissing me off by not telling me what happened to you. We have been in school for what almost a month and you never tell me anything about yourself." Shizuo said trying not to raise his voice or hurl a desk.

Shinra had walked into the same classroom as the other two and brought them lunch. He handed Shizuo his milk and a bag with some food in it. Not sure how to approach Izaya he gave him a bar of chocolate for starters. Izaya took it with trembling hands then nibbled at it slowly his eyes went wide at its sweet taste.

"Haha ya that's my favorite kind of chocolate. You can have it. I picked it up from the store this morning. Do you wan to try and eat something? He put a plate on Izaya's desk and a small sandwich on top.

"T...thank you." Izaya said shyly folding the chocolate wrapper perfectly and putting it on his desk then nibbled on the sandwich.

Shinra stood up and put his hands on Izaya's ribs to feel what was broken. Izaya freaked out and stood up nearly falling over. Shizuo caught him, then he stood there frozen breathing quickly. His heart was racing he didn't want anyone to know.

"You have two broken ribs but it's nothing serious you don't need to go to the hospital but it must be quite painful." Shinra said thinking.

"Izaya you don't have to say but we aren't going to hurt you. Ok?! Honestly stop shaking. Are you sick? "Shizuo let go of Izaya slowly and felt his head. "Nope that's good." He put his jacket around Izaya then sat back down as the three of them continued their lunch.

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