no where is safe.

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Izaya curled up on the couch and was woken up scared to death running into a panic as Shizuo's frantic mother opened the door and was pushed aside rudely. The black hair man grabbed Izaya by the neck of the shirt and lifted him up roughly.

"You stupid kid! Causing me so much trouble. Who do you think you are living with these people. Your my blood and my son. You don't belong here!!" Izaya's father yelled his breath reeked of cigarettes.

A cast was over his fathers arm from when shizuo broke it. And a few other bandaged areas. Shizuo was held back as Izaya was taken against his will. There was nothing they could do for Izaya wasn't her son. She had no rights to keep him for he wasn't 18 yet. Cursed by him only being 17. Tears ran down her checks as she watched the little raven hair boy leave with the abusive father. Shizuo punched a hole in the wall cursing loudly.

"That's stupid ass will kill my Izaya!" He paused hearing what he said as tears to ran down his eyes. It wasn't long before the neighbors were loud again.

The next week at home  was truely miserable. Without Izaya things seemed useless. Shizuo got lost in his thoughts staring at both the empty chair at the table next to him and at the front door as if something would happen. The days blew by like nothing. That Friday night was uncomfortablly quiet.

"Can't do anything huh. If I could I would destroy that man." He put a arm over his tired eyes.

He hasn't slept for days his mind would shut up. So yet another sleepless night he awoke from his daze when he herd a loud yelp and a man yelling. That was it. His blood boiled as he nearly broke down his front door. The very sound of his little Raven cry sent him into a rage. He banged his fist hard on Izayas front door denting  it and Izayas father answered.

"I have had it!!! He did nothing wrong and you beat the shit out of him for no reason!!!" He shoved past the older man and stopped his skin pale as he say Izaya laying on the floor in the dark room.

He looked paller than the white walls. Shizuo fell to his knees as Izaya flinched. Shizuo put a warm hand on Izayas side. Izaya groaned and moved away unable to get up.

"Hey Izaya its only me Shizuo." He ignored the now yelling and rampaging man behind him who was carrying a metal pole.

The man swung the pole and Shizuo held up a arm protecting himself and Izaya as the pole bent in half as if it was nothing. Shizuo rose slowly loosing himself into his rage. He turned around slowly his eyes glowing with rage then he kicked the man through the window as he landed in trash cans. Then Shizuo walked back to the hall to sit down beside Izaya. He turned on the lights seeing the blood around Izayas corpse like figure laying up against the hall wall. His hair spread out across the carpet.

"Damn. My poor Izaya." Shizuo sat down putting a hand on Izaya who was shaking. "Its just me Shizuo. I won't hurt you and that's the only kind if touch you will ever get is from me." Shizuo said lifting Izayas head into his lap to look at his face.

"S...shizu...Chan..." Izaya whispered looking up at the blond with blurry eyes.

"Yes I'm right here." Shizuo ran his hand through Izaya's hair till he stopped shaking.

He held Izaya in his lap. Izaya's breathing was slow as the raven closed his eyes. He felt the warm tears swell in his eyes and roll down his cheeks. Watching his friend dying in his lap was enough to break Shizuo's heart.

"I missed you...your warm." Izaya smiled.

"I missed you a lot to. Sorry I couldn't do anything I guess I kinda snapped. I'm pretty sure what I did just now is illegal. But o don't really give a damn. Hopefully that damn man is out of your life. I have had it. Your going to live with me for now on. You got that?" Shizuo growled glaring angrily at the wall as his mom ran inside worried to death by all the noise.

"Shizuo where are you!!!" She ran to the hall seeing her son holding Izaya. " oh no!" She gasped sitting on her knees to look over the damage. "Shizuo we have to take him to the hospital! Now!"

Without any hesitation he got up quickly holding his love close as he half laid down in the back seat. Izaya's wounds began to bleed again from the movement. The red liquid got all over Shizuo's clothing. When they arrived at the hospital Shizuo held Izaya protectively till the doctors took away his raven.  He wanted to kill anyone who touched Izaya. Knowing Izaya would be scared to death as he was alone being put into a deep sleep. Shizuo paced up and down the halls cursing to himself and grumbling angrily for what seemed like hours. His hands shoved deep in his pockets the smell of Izaya's blood made him sick. When he mom got back from their house  she brought him a change of clothes which he happily put them on the the bathroom. He returned and the doctor came out of Izaya's room throwing away bloody gloves.

"So? Are you going to tell me what that damn man did to Izaya!" He could feel the anger take control but subsided when his mother put her hand on his shoulders.

"I'm sorry. But can you please tell us when Izaya will be able to come home?" Shizuo's mother asked.

"Home? That boy will never go back to his home. It isn't safe for him there. Unless you two wanna take him in?" The man said then watched Shizuo nod. " well I guess I can start with the good news. He is still alive and will heal nicely. But some of his wounds were infected. He has lost a lot of blood. And well I'm not so sure how he will react when he wakes up but he has taken some brain damage. Might have forgot some memories." The doctor told them then stood there puzzled for a moment. " he is on some pain medication but should wake up in a bit. Your more than welcome to go in and see him." With that the man left down the hall to care for other patients.

Shizuo went inside the second the doctor had finished talking. He sat down by Izaya who was bandaged up heavily. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep besides his black and blue face had returned more worse than last. Shizuo didn't care his warm hand returned to Izaya's bandaged head. He touched the soft hair lovingly. Then whispered to Izaya wanting to see his eyes flutter open.

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