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Shizuo had fallen asleep on the couch Izaya on his lap laying on his stomach like a cat. Shizuo had a hand rested on Izaya's lower back. The two were so peaceful as the rain only tapped on the window quietly. Izaya woke up fast falling off the couch when thunder roared. He felt pain shoot up his spine. Shizuo to was woke up and his eyes were wide as lightning flashed in the room. Izaya got up and limped into hiding. That was one thing that truly never changed about him.

"Damnit! Izaya come back it's just thunder." Shizuo got up and saw Izaya crawl into the closet in their bed room.

"Grrrrr leave me alone. I hate those stupid loud noises." Izaya hissed and his hugged his sides curling up in a corner.
"Aw come now. I'll hold you. That might make it better. I herd your bones crack when you fell. Are you alright?" he slid open the closet door and sat down a hand moved up Izaya's bony spine. "I know how you are and I won't leave you alone. It will be over soon anyways."

Izaya groaned but fell asleep where he curled up on top of a few blankets. That Shizuo had always kept in the closet in case Izaya needed a place to hide. The thunder had quieted after a few hours but lightning still flashed till midnight. Shizuo scooped up Izaya and laid down in their rather big bed. Izaya sunk his face into the pillow. Shizuo pushed a hand under Izaya's shirt rubbing his back hoping to make the pain go away. He fell asleep holding Izaya close Shizuo's dreams were weird that night it was as if he was seeing some kind of vision. He tossed and turned the rest of the night waking Izaya up several times. It was around 9 when Shizuo got out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom throwing up in the toilet from the bloody nightmare. It all seemed to real. It made him sick to his stomach. He washed his face in the sink then sat there panting as he looked in the mirror not recognizing himself.

"Are you ok?" Izaya asked wearing his black pajama pants and a Shizuo's gray night shirt, he had the blanket wrapped around him as he looked up at Shizuo with tired eyes.

"I...I'm not sure it seems all to real. Just a nightmare. I'm not going to worry about it." Shizuo said as he dried his face and cleaned up the bathroom quickly.

"Well if you wanna talk about it I'll be down stairs. I'm going to make us tea and maybe something to eat." He sighed lazily walking downstairs.

Izaya began to boil some water. He made some white rice since it was simple. He poured the hot water in two cups and put some tea leaves in it. Shizuo sat at the bar looking at the wet city from all the rain. The dark clouds still lingered overhead. It was a gloomy day. Izaya spilled some hot water on his hand when Shizuo's phone ran. It was Shinra. The loud noise in the silence both made them jump.

"H...hello? What? Why?" Shizuo responded picking up the phone.

"Here you go." Izaya sat down giving Shizuo breakfast and his tea.

"I guess things are alright." Shizuo continued, then kissed Izaya's head thanking him.

"Shinra huh?" Izaya took his fork and mooched from Shizuo's plate.

"I'll see what I can do....bye." Shizuo hung up the phone. "If you wanted some you should have made yourself some silly." He teased Izaya for taking little bites of egg from his plate.

"I'm not really that hungry it would have been a waste." Izaya smiled shyly. "Does Shinra want to see me again? Well I certainly don't want to see him again for the reason he wants me there." Izaya complained.

"Well yes Shinra wants to see you again. It's just a check up. Come on how bad can it be.... Oh wait never mind I remember. Those are your weak spots." Shizuo said finishing up his breakfast.

"I won't admit to weakness but yes. And soon all of Ikebukuro will know about it. That's my fear." Izaya said sipping his tea.

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