Be mine till the ends of time

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It had been about a year since that day Izaya woke up now he playfully run around the Ikebukuro causing a fuss of everyone. Shizuo occasionally looks for Izaya only to yell at him to stay out of trouble. It's a more peaceful place since the chaos had died down but boring for the little raven so here and there he would stir up trouble.

That evening Shizuo decided to meet him at the park. It was a clear sky as the sun was setting and the fat fluffy clouds rolled across the sky when it faded to night. Shizuo looked up as Izaya walked up behind him to greet his blond.

"Lovely evening huh?" Izaya said with a smile.

"Yes it is. The perfect evening." Shizuo smiled putting a arm around Izaya's thin frame.

Shizuo walked with Izaya hand in hand through the peaceful park. It was quiet and the lights soon started to turn on lighting up the darkness. The grass was soft and thick. The moon was cut like a smile. Izaya sat down on the bench letting out a deep relaxed breath looking up at the stars with a smile. Shizuo stuck a hand in his pocket pulling out a small box.

"Hey Izaya I wanted to ask you something." Shizuo took off his glasses looking at Izaya.

"Hmm? Yes what is it Shizu-Chan?" Izaya looked at him curiously.

"Well we have known each other for a really long time. I would spend my life with you till our deaths." Shizuo said with a smile.

"Aww Shizuo-Chan getting mushy on me. How romantic." Izaya teased.

"I would stay by your side till the ends of time. And it's a perfectly good night to be romantic!! And it's summer..... Anyways...." Shizuo said getting flustered.

"Hmm true. But you want to ask me something? Your face is red." Izaya grinned evilly.

"Will you be mine till the ends of time?" Shizuo said opening the Box that had a ring inside.

Izaya's eyes widened in shock as Shizuo slipped on the black and gold ring band on Izaya's finger. He smiled knowing Izaya's answer.

"Y...yes I will Shizuo. Forever..." Izaya smiled as the two kissed.

~The end~
(Short chapter. But eh their adorable cinnamon buns. Thanks for reading my story. Have a good day.)

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