Rant: Republicans

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This is a direct message to all followers of Donald Trump, the "true" Republicans, and all the idiots that underestimate the danger of Climate Change and Gun Control. 

I hate you. 

I fucking hate you.

How dare you fucking say that Gun Violence is NOT a fucking problem?

Have you fucking been a traumatizing fucking kill spree before? No. Because all of them have died, too late to change their political views. 

How dare you fucking say that Climate Change is NOT a fucking problem?

Have you lived in the fucking Arctic before? No. Because all that fucking ice has melted because of our stupid decisions that ended up making America different from the rest of the world, which uses clean fucking energy. 

How dare you fucking say that teaching Religion in schools are NOT a problem?

Have you been oppressed by your classmates before, because you believe in different things? No. Because all those kids have decided, or will decide to commit suicide. 


The rest of the rant was cut off. 

I was typing, and the internet gave up. It didn't save.

But I didn't want to retype, nor discard it. 

So yeah.....

Here's the after word:


Why did I write this rant?

So for History, we had a Substitute. The teacher told him to play Channel One News, like we always do. On the episode, there were mentions of the San Bernadino shooting, and along with the Climate Conference in Paris. 

Funny thing. 

When the video mentioned the number of Mass Shootings in America yearly, he immediately pause the video, and told us that American doesn't experience 352 mass shootings, but much lower, at about 100-ish. At that very moment, I could tell that, obviously, he didn't share the political views as our teacher, or the Channel One Series. The sub, let's call him "H" because I forgot his full name, said that it was "false statistics". Immediately, I wanted to scream. I wanted to throw my binder at his face, and yell, "mass shootings are only a fraction of the total death toll, due to gun violence." In fact, I was right. Mass Shootings only account for about 2% of deaths by firearms. 

I shut up, and let the episode finish. Later on, it mentioned the Climate Confrence in Paris. At that very moment, I stared at the sub. Just I had thought, he shook his head, sighed, and let the last minute pass. At the end, he said, "This news channel did a bad job of collecting accurate data."

And I was infuriated. I started ripping apart the sheet of paper in my hand(thank the Rice God it wasn't a school assignment).

And, so I wrote this rant. 


Like this entry if you disprove of H's words. Was he wrong about climate change and gun violence?

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