AAM: My Pet Peeves

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This is based on a weird conversation to @ElaineKane. We talked about the most randomest stuff. She ended up arguing with me about pencils. Yes, pencils. 

Here's my list of my 7 worst pet peeves, without order:

1) When People Explain With "... and then you go ahead and do...."

What the heo does "go ahead" even mean anymore? You are not fast forwarding in time. You are not SKIPPING any steps. You are following an preset order. You can't just GO AHEAD. You're not going ahead of anything. You aren't AHEAD of anybody. You are just like everybody else. 

Jesus. I hate these people....

2) When People Touch You Like You're Friends, But You Both Know That You Hate Each Other.

First off, we are not friends. Don't freaking touch me. Don't wrap your arms around my neck. Don't high five me. Don't bump my shoulder. I'm not your friend, and you're not mine. Just freaking settle it.

Don't perform these contacts if you're just covering up the hatred. I KNOW you're just doing it to keep your popularity. Don't freaking use me as a scapegoat. 

I AM NOT THE CAUSE OF YOUR PROBLEMS. It's your own judgement.  

3) When People "Think" That They Are True Fans

You are a Maroon 5 fan? Really? How many albums are there? Five. There are FIVE.

You know these kinds of people. They THINK that they are fans, but they don't know more than 20 songs on the top of their head. They don't know the band members. They don't know the names of each album. They don't understand the true meaning of the lyrics. 

These people like these artists because they are "popular". No. That does not make you a fan. 

4) When People Are Hypocrites And Do The Same Thing That You Do, But Judge You For It. 

You see me switching rows in the Synchronized Jumping Jacks. You see me move to the right with every open position. You see me inching to the row next to me. And the substitute doesn't care. 

BUT, then you yell at me for not doing them correctly. The funny thing is... YOU DID IT JUST YESTERDAY. 

Yesterday, you also fooled around and made it a joke. How come, when it came to my turn, I am rejected for not being you? AND NOW, you make a big deal about a joke that YOU created yesterday. 

5) When People Tell You To Use Pencils

You know what? This is self explanatory... 

I don't want to use a pencil. I don't like the light grey lead streak. I want bold black or red, with a nice, fine mark. I want something that doesn't stab you at 6 different points on your thumb, middle finger, and index. I don't want to have indents in my fingers, and have to deal with the pain. 

6) When People Use Your Things/Steal Your Homework Without Asking

Also self-explanatory. 

I didn't give you my grapes. I didn't give you my pen. I didn't give you permission to look at my homework. 

7) When People Complain About Their Daily First-World Problems

I don't freaking care about your "struggles". 

You start sleeping at 2am. It's not my fault that you stayed up all night to watch anime. Now you are complaining about how you are "sleep deprived" and struggle in school. That's your own problem, okay? I only sleep at midnight because I have HOMEWORK to do. I have chores I have to do. And you complaining that you are "sleep deprived"... no. You FORCED yourself to stay up all night, just to show off that you are "daring" enough to stare at the computer for that long. 

You don't like school. It's not my fault that you dislike education. It's not my fault that your passion is in sports. Just remember that there are plenty of people in this world that don't get to learn in such a beautiful, clean school campus. Remember all the kids that can't go to school because the cost of school fees are overwhelming. Remember the kids that are homeschooled, because their parents don't have enough time to take care of their transportation. Remember the kids that live in a dirty, drug infested campus, up in the ghetto areas of LA. You are a millionaire in their eyes. You don't have to pay to go to a top-performing school, one of the best in the whole United States. 

You don't live in a poor community. You don't live in a single-story house. You don't have to worry about insects entering the doors, You don't have to worry about your dog living inside the house. You don't have to look at a huge pile of rotten, dusty branches and tall grass, every time to exit the house. You don't have to collect recyclables, with over 5 FILLED trash cans in your backyard. You don't have to save up to go to Restaurants or Fast Food chains once a month.


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