A/N: Since so many of you were unhappy with the ending or dreamt about a happy one, I decided to make one. Hopefully this makes you happy and able to continue your life without drowning in tears... And if you don't get it, this is from the last chapter (not the epilogue, chapter 26...) So this is basically Chapter 26, how it could have turned out...Maybe. Okay sorry, read it if you want to, you won't miss anything if you don't. This is really not a part of the story, it's an extra part...ok I'll stop. Bye.
Harry's POV
I knew something was wrong when Louis went to the bathroom. I could see it in his face and it just felt wrong. Something was really wrong. When Louis had been in the bathroom for about an hour I decided to go and check on him.
The door was locked and I knocked, but when I didn't get any reply and couldn't hear anything from in there I felt panic rise inside me. I ran to the bedroom I had for our visiting at the hotel and took a small penny with me. I tried to unlock the bathroom door with it, but my hands kept shaking and tears were streaming down my face. I was so damn scared.
When the door finally opened I let out a scream when I saw him. Louis. He sat on the bathroom floor, blood streaming from cuts I knew he had done himself. His eyes were half closed and I ran over to him, screaming trying to get a response.
"I love you." I whispered and I saw a small smile find its way to Louis lips. I heard footsteps coming closer and I screamed at them to call an ambulance.
It didn't take long for the ambulance to get here but it took long enough for me to panic and for the lads to cry and scream themselves hoarse.
I got to ride with in the ambulance even though I wasn't family and I cried harder as they took care of Louis and plugging different medical things in him, keeping him alive. I can't believe he tried to commit suicide. My Louis. The one I loved and treated awful. It finally hit me that he probably did it because of me. I made him want to die, just 'cause I couldn't control my feelings and choose the wrong side to stand on. Because I made a big mistake.
It was many hours later we all sat in Louis' hospital room and listening to Louis explaining himself and why he did it all. I gave him my part of the story too and...I can't say that it was good between us but at least he didn't hate me that much anymore.
Simon came a while ago and decided that One Direction would take a small break and that Louis should go to rehab so he could get better, mentally and so he could learn to live with his tinnitus we not long ago learned he had.
It was hard to be away from Louis and to not keep up with the band. But seven months had passed and Louis was free to go home. We had talked everyday and he forgave me. He actually forgave me, it took a while but he did and I couldn't be happier.
Sure, we still had to work some things out and I know it would never be the same between us, but it was alright 'cause this was our new chance. A chance for me to get right what I once did wrong.
Louis already knew about my feelings and he had reviled his too, but he was not ready to give me that much trust quiet yet. And that was fine because I knew we would get there eventually.
When Louis had been back for almost a year we shared our first kiss. At least our first that meant something, we had kissed before but brushed it of as drunken mistakes. This time was different thought.
We had been at the beach all day, without the other boys and one second we were talking and the next we were kissing. It was amazing and I can tell that both of us are happy. We've both wanted this for a long while.
It doesn't matter how hard you mess up, if you are there to fix it and to learn from your mistakes. If you've made a mistake, fix it. It will take time and it will be hard and probably hurt a lot, but in the end it's worth it. Just 'cause you did wrong once doesn't mean everything is destroyed, because if you come to the point where you see that it's wrong you come to the point where you understand it has to get fixed. You have to try to success.
The end. (2)
So here you have it, your happy ending. Now you can all fantasy about their happily ever after. I hope you enjoyed, if you did then @SarinaWilliams is to thank because without her request I wouldn't have written this. (I got a lot of request to do it, but she was the first and yeah) but I will not say that I am happy with this (because I personally think it sucks) but hopefully it was enough to mend your broken fangirl hearts. If you want yet an other alternate ending then check this out http://www.wattpad.com/story/11089896-alterate-ending-for-worthless it's written by @LuckyCandi and it's really great. It's a fluffy bitter sweet end so check it out if you want :)
Thanks for reading, commenting, faning and voting. I love you all.
/Agnes :)xx