Chapter 1 - Slumber Party?

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Zayns POV 

Fall 2008 

I was walking to class with my friends Evangeline and Roger we had all been friends since grade 6, but around grade 8 I started to have feeling for Evangeline. I had every chance in the world to tell her how i felt, but i never did... I never told her. 

*present time*

Now looking back I regret it more than anything. 

"Ang stop doing Nialls hair and come do mine" I shouted as I threw a ball at her

"Oh Zayn almost 8 years as friends and you're still as bossy as ever!" She replied while laughing 

Every time she touched me I got butterflies. I don't know how she didn't realize I had feelings for her. 

I began to tell her how I wanted to wear my hair for the show today when her boyfriend walked in, Roger. 

We we're all best friends in middle and high school but in high school  we started to drift apart. Maybe because he was dating my dream girl or maybe because he treated her badly. 

She walked away to talk with him and I saw him grab her wrist firmly which made me rise out of my seat. Liam came next to me and said "leave it Zayn they're just talking. When she needs you you'll know" 

How could Ang be with someone who treats her bad? I knew he was possessive, one time back in high school I was showing her a bruise I had on my hip and Roger walked in and saw us. He grabbed her took her out of the room and said "you are never allowed to be alone with him again Evangeline, you should only see my body like that". 

When she became our hair stylist and started traveling with us, he hated it. He called her constantly sometimes you could hear him screaming at her on the phone, she'd come back crying and just smile at us saying it was fine. I did know how much longer I can take this. 

After the concert we all went to the night club... Including Roger. They walked off in a corner and although I couldn't hear them I could see in her eyes that it wasn't good. 

He left in a hurry and she came to join us. She sat down between Liam and I. Liam asked "Ang are you okay?"

"Yes Liam I'm fine, he’s just upset i came out instead of spending time with him, he leaves for work in two days. He’ll be gone for two weeks." she said with a half-smile

A waitress came and took our drink order she ordered 2 shots of tequila and a 2 vodka cranberries. I knew she wasn't okay but I didn't know what to do. 

As we were leaving the club it was raining heavily and the driver took everyone back to our flats. Ang stayed at another one across the city. She asked if she could come in a use my restroom of course I said yes.  We stumbled into the building trying to keep our balance and as we were walking in the door she fell twisting her ankle, she could barely walk but she couldn’t stop laughing, I loved seeing her like this it had been too long. I wasn't going to have her go all the way down stairs and then back to her hotel on a bad ankle. So I called the driver and told him to leave. 

She came out and I told her the driver left and to stay with me. She started to freak out "Zayn what did you do? Roger is going to be so pissed off!"

"It's fine Ang I will sleep out here and you can have the bed"

"I don't know Zayn" she said holding her wrist looking at the ground

" I won't say anything Ang and I’ll tell the guys not to either. "

" Okay but only tonight Zayn" 

" alright Ang go get some sleep" 

I took off my pants and shirt and sat on the couch it was cold so I went to my room to get a blanket when I walked around the corner I saw her taking off her clothes she looked up and covered herself fast.

“I’m sorry Zayn” she said while laughing “I didn’t think you’d come back here”

“It’s okay Ang I’ve seen more of you” I grabbed my blanket and walked out to the living room.

“Zayn!” She called for me

As I walked in the room she said “You can sleep in here with me, we use to share the bed all the time when we were younger”

“That was before Roger Ang” I said trying to not let her know how much I missed it

“It doesn’t matter and it’s just for tonight, I want you to be able to get a good rest for the show tomorrow” She said as she got under the covers

I stood at the door and thought about it for a moment, and then I said “What the hell”, and crawled into bed with her. She was sleeping on her side her long wavy hair flowing behind her. I couldn’t fall asleep all I wanted to do was reach out and hold her tell her how I felt, tell her that I love her, but something always stopped me. I don’t know why I was so nervous…

[ Sorry this first chapter is extremely short! I rushed through it (if you couldnt tell) and I just wanted you to get a feel for it.]

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