Chapter 9 - Roger

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Camilla POV

I woke up to loud pounding sounds on Zayns door, Zayn was at a studio session, I walked to the door and looked out the peep hole. It was being covered so I slowly backed away, as I was backing up I tripped over Zayns bar stool. That’s when I heard a familiar voice.

“Evangeline!”  Damn, I thought “Its Roger! I know you’re in there!” The tone of his voice frightened me I sat on the floor silently, scared to move. “I heard you! Come out of there straight away”

I figured I should give up trying to hide so I walked to the door and was about to open it but first I pulled my hair to my right side covering my neck where Zayn had left hickies last night after Chatty Man. I opened the door and he quickly walked in rushing passed me.

“Wow Roger I didn’t expect to see you.” I said with nervousness in my voice

“So this is where you’ve been? I’ve called your home phone every day and you never once answered. You’ve been here with Malik! What the fuck Evangeline!” He shouted walking towards me as I stammered backwards to the wall.

He pounded his fist on the wall yelling “What the fuck have the two of you been doing?! Did he touch you? Did you let him?” He said looking me in my eyes

He was acting as if I hadn’t broken up with him. As if I was still his Evangeline, My eyes started to widen.

“You are mine not his” his finger brushed my chin “I saw a photo of the two of you outside of Chatty Man, you were holding his hand!”

I slapped his hand away and said “If I did hold his hand so what? I was never supposed to be yours Roger I know what you did AND I BROKE UP WITH YOU” I pushed my finger into his chest hard

“I don’t know anything you are talking about!?”

“That letter I saw Zayn laughing about, the letter I came to your house and was crying about? You took that letter from Zayns locker and made it look like I wrote it for you!”

He stepped back looking shocked at my accusation, I looked at the clock behind him, Zayn would be home any minute. “You need to leave Roger go bother someone else. You’re mental!” I walked over to the door opening it, I pointed my finger telling him to leave

”I’m not going anywhere!” He said once again.

He slammed his fist into Zayns wall dinting it a little. He grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me into him he slammed the door and locked it. His actions made my hair shift exposing my hickies, Rogers eyes quickly zoned in on it. He grabbed the front of my shirt and slammed me into the wall.

“What the fuck is this Evangeline!?” He asked with the veins popping out of his neck. He took his finger and poked me relentlessly on my neck making me wince with pain.

“Let me go Roger! Don’t you fucking touch me like that!” I said trying to get his hand to let go of my shirt. It became harder for me to breathe as he pushed into my chest harder and harder, with each breath I took he pushed harder. I looked at him as tears started to well up in his eyes. “Roger calm down, please” I begged still struggling to breathe.

“NO!” He pulled me from the wall and pushed me into the kitchen counter making my back bend he pushed me further onto the counter making my feet start to dangle off the floor. I made my mind up; there was no reason to fight it. Roger was a nationally ranked Rugby player when we were in high school. Nothing would make him loosen his grip.

I closed my eyes then suddenly I heard a key in the lock, the door flew open, and Harry and Zayn ran in the door…

Zayn POV

As harry and I were walking back to our flats, I was about to walk into Harrys to see what he picked out for Camilla’s birthday gift when we heard a loud booming scream come from round the corner where my flat was. I looked at him and we instantly took off running. As we got to my door I could hear Ang whimpering, I shoved my key in the lock and I shoved the door open.

I ran in and I hit Roger in the side of his face with my fist, his body shifted but he was still holding on to Evangeline he held her so tight her feet were off the floor.  I ran behind him and put my hands around his throat trying to pull him off, while Harry was trying to push himself in between Roger and Evangeline.

She was bent over in an awkward position she wasn’t fighting back she looked so defeated. I yelled for her to start fighting. He eyes flew open and met mine and instantly she started kicking and throwing her arms. His grip never loosened and my pulling on his neck had no effect on him. Harry started elbowing him in the chest trying to get him to change positions but nothing was working on him, he was so mad all he saw was red.

Moments later Camilla and Louis ran through the door hearing us all yell from down the corridor. Camilla screamed and tears instantly started to well up in her eyes seeing one of her best friends being treated like this. Louis shoved her into the corner by the door and ran over to help.

As he reached us, Roger threw a hand around Harry grabbing onto Ang’s throat. Her eyes shut, he squeezed so tight the color started to drain from her face and I started to feel helpless. Louis instantly dropped to one knee and hit Roger square in his balls. Rogers hand left Angs throat, Louis Harry and I took the advantage of him being in pain and flung him off of Ang.

Ang dropped to the floor holding her chest and throat, and Camilla ran over to her grabbing her head between her hands.

“Evang are you okay? Can you breathe? Oh my God Evang look at me!”

Harry who was sitting on top of Roger started relentlessly punching him in his chest with Louis and I yelling insults at him.

“You prick don’t you ever place your hands on a woman again!” Louis yelled giving him a swift kick in the ass

“What were you even thinking Roger? Have you gone mental? Get the fuck out of my flat! Right now! If I ever see you again so help me Allah it’ll be your last day!” I screamed reaching down to grab him.

Harry stood and got off of him; I grabbed him by his neck and threw him out of my flat Harry and Louis walked out to the corridor watching him run away. They came back in shut and locked the door behind them.

Camilla POV

I looked at Evang she was so terrified and all she could say that he had never done that before. I tried to get her hand away from her throat but she refused. I swept the hair from her face trying to figure out if he hit her.

They guys ran up and stood around us watching in horror trying to see if she was okay.  I wrapped my arms around her and she laid her head on my chest and started crying! I couldn’t control myself and I started crying too, Evangeline was my best friend and to see her hurt like this broke every piece of my heart.

Zayn POV

I didn’t know what to do to make her feel better. I didn’t want to touch her right away, I watched in pain while she and Camilla held each other crying…

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