Chapter 17 - Mum!

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Evangeline POV 

The taxi pulled up to my mums’ house and I instantly ran inside and into her arms crying. As she kissed the top of my head she whispered “Shh my baby, its going to be okay” 

I looked up at her with my lips quivering “Mum” before I could finish she grabbed me again and held me tightly. She held me for what seemed like an eternity, when she finally let go I walked up to my little brothers’ room.

It was 3 am he was sleeping and he had school in the morning, so I crawled in next to him and drifted off to sleep. 

I woke up the next morning to the smell of my mums’ bakarkhani she only made it for special occasions…I guess this was one of them. I walked down to the kitchen and my father looked up at me “Oh well look who has finally decided to grace Bradford with her presence” 

My mum smacked her teeth letting my dad know he needed to be quiet. It felt like old times, I had missed my family so much. 

Liam POV 

We started our first show in Melbourne everything was going great until we got to ‘moments’. I looked over at Zayn and I could tell he was starting to unravel, he missed Evang so much. It was physically painful to watch him try to hold back tears. By the time we had gotten to ‘Summer Love’ tears were streaming down Zayns face. 

We wrapped up the show with ‘What makes you beautiful’ and as soon as Harry sang his last note Zayn was gone. We ran to the change room after him and he was full out crying and calling someone on his phone. 

“Zayn what are you doing?” I asked 

“I’ve got to get her back; I’ve got to make her see it was a mistake. I’ve got to get her back! Why isn’t she answering her phone?” 

“Maybe because shes mad at ya” Louis said in a way only Louis could 

“I need her” he said as he sat on the couch and put his head to his knees 

Harry walked over to him and put his arm around him “Zayn we’ve got 3 days left then she’ll be back, everything is going to be fine” He tried to comfort Zayn but Zayn wasn’t for it. 

“Fuck this man! I’m going to Bradford” 

Niall walked over to him “Zayn you can’t, we can’t cancel a show. What about our fans? They haven’t done anything wrong. We can’t cancel on them” Zayn looked up at Niall knowing he was right. 

Evangeline POV 

My phone kept ringing, Zayn wouldn’t stop. I didn’t want to talk with him, I was so mad, it was too soon. I was too upset I didn’t want to say something I regret. 

I was sat on the floor in my brothers’ room playing FIFA when his phone started to ring. He looked at it then back at me and answered it. 

“Yeah, what do you want?” he said harshly 

I couldn’t make out who he was talking to or what they were saying until he said “I don’t care! You can talk to her when she answers your calls on HER phone!” then he shut off his phone. 

“Sorry Ang, was that rude?” 

“No Rameez, you were fine.” I said as I smiled at him. 


The next day I went shopping with my mom to find her a dress for a dinner party. Paparzzi were every where.

“Evangeline! Are the rumors true? Why are you back in Bradford and not on tour?” I ignored them, I didn't understand why they were even following me...I wasn't anyone important, I wasnt famous I was just a hairdresser. I sighed and pulled my jacket around me and continued to shop. 

I was alone at the house that night, my brother was staying the night at a friend’s house and my parents had gone to the dinner party with friends.

I was on my laptop booking my flight back to Australia; I was going to meet the boys in Brisbane, when my iChat started to ring. I looked and it was Niall so I answered. 

“HI NIALL!” I screamed only to hear 

“Ang hear me out please” 

I looked up and It was Zayn, he looked broken he had tears rolling down his cheeks, his eyes were blood shot and he had bags under his eyes. 

“What is it Zayn?” I said rudely. 

“I’m sorry Ang, I made a mistake. I told her to come up when you told me you didn’t end things with Roger. My feelings were hurt and I needed a quick fix. She was easy and uncomplicated, I didn’t think about the consequences.” He paused only to send me a link to a video “This was all for you Ang” 

I opened the video and it was the boys preforming ‘Summer Love’.

Zayn knew that was one of my favorite songs, but I wasn’t sure why he was sending it to me, it got the Zayns part toward the end and he had lost it.

A constant flow of tears fell down his face and his lips were quivering. I don’t know how he made it through. 

“I can tell you a ton of different ways I’m sorry and none of them would even measure up to the true amount of how bad I feel. I haven’t been able to sleep since you’ve left, I can’t eat, I can’t even preform right.” 

I looked at him and all I wanted to do was reach out and hug him. He looked… miserable. 

“I love you Evangeline, I never want to be the reason you’re in pain. I never want to see you cry, I never want you to leave me again.” 

“I love you too Zayn, bu..” He interrupted me before I could finish 

“I want you to marry me!” he shouted 

I looked at him with my eyes wide. 

“Zayn you don’t mean that you’re just missing me” I said with a grin on my face 

“No, I want you to be with me forever, I want you to be a part of me, I want you to be my wife” I stared at him as he stared back at me. Then I saw blonde hair and a brown ball of curls come from the sides 

“JUST SAY YES DAMN IT!” they yelled at me. 

I laughed but I was still unsure, so I said “I love you Zayn Malik haha I’ll see you in three days” he studied the look on my face; he smiled when he realized I was sincere. 

We chatted for a while; it made me realize that I wanted to be with him forever as well, he made it clear that he was sorry and I made it clear that I wouldn’t stick around if something else happened. 

After we said our goodbyes I changed my flight, I was going to surprise Zayn, I had 1 hour to get to the airport. I threw all of my things into my suitcase and sprinted to the door but first I left a note for my family. They were going to be upset. 

‘Mum, Rameez and Dad, I’m sorry but I’ve got to go. I love you and I promise I will visit more often. 

I am in love with him and I need to go. 

Love forever Evangeline x 

p.s ill see you after Australia promise’

I got in the cab and I headed to the airport.

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