Chapter 8 - I did it!

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Zayn POV

As soon as Ang dropped her head I instantly knew she didn’t do it.  I wanted to shake her and ask her what was wrong with her, why hadn’t she done it. But I decided to wait until after the shoot.

3 hours later, I walked off the set and instantly grabbed Ang pulling her between mine and Louis’ cars.

“Ang what the fuck?”

“I know Zayn, I have every intention of doing it but I just couldn’t today…” She said laying her head on my shoulder

“I am not going to do this forever; I’ve sat by and watched you with him for too long I won’t anymore Ang!” I said squeezing her

“You won’t have to Zayn, I promise. I will end it.”

Out of nowhere I heard a voice say “End what?” I looked behind me and it was Roger. I instantly let go of Ang and she said “Nothing we’re just talking about One Direction stuff”

Roger smiled then took her hand pulling her away as he kissed her cheek; she got to his car and turned running back to where I was. “I forgot my bag” she said as she walked passed me

She grabbed her bag and her hair kit and started walking in my direction again. She looked me in the eye and quietly said “I love you Zayn” Gave me a small hug and walked away.

The next night she knocked on my door. As soon as I opened it she jumped into my arms catching me off guard and knocking me to the floor. The guys were behind me laughing and Camilla said “Looks like someone needs to start working on his push-ups”

Harry leaned into her saying “Its press ups babe, pressss upsssss”

She laughed swatting him

“What’s this about Ang” I said as I started to sit up

She hopped off of me and said “I did it, I broke up with ROGER!”

I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her. The guys behind me cheered a little and Camilla ran up ripped her out of my arms and hugged her.

She sat down and Camilla said “How did he take it was he upset what happened?”

“He was mad he slammed his hand on my kitchen counter a few times. He was cussing, throwin a fit, then he looked at me and said ‘we aren’t done ill see you when I get back from the states’ he kinda freaked me out”

She walked over to me and put her arms around me “I love you Zayn, I love you, I love you!”

Hearing her say that without any hesitation without any fumbling without any doubt made me grab her tight at kiss her, then kiss her again, and again but longer this time.

 Louis stood up and said “We better let these two snog in peace, they might start shagging right here haha!”

Harry let out a deep chuckle and said” yeah I don’t need to see that… again” He had walked in on us once while we were in Dublin

As soon as they left that is exactly what we did.

Roger POV

I was sitting on the plane trying to wrap my brain around what Evangeline had said to me. ‘This hasn’t been working, you’re too rough with me, I have feelings for someone else’

She never said a name, all I could think about was, who was it, why did she not care for me anymore? I had only hurt her once in our 3 1/5 years of dating and it wasn’t even that bad. I didn’t mean to my temper just escaped me sometimes.

“That’s it I’ve made up my mind” I said to myself “When I get back from the states I’m not taking no for an answer.” She was going to be mine! I'm sure of it.

Evangeline POV

Two days later we flew to Australia to start the Austrasia leg of the tour.  We arrived in Sydney and I instantly ran toward a gift shop. I needed to get my hands on some vegemite!

I dared Niall to eat a spoonful of it while we were on the plane, I left out the part where it was disgusting and just told him it was something you spread on toast. I paid for it and ran back to meet everyone at baggage claim.

Niall opened it to smell it, “I don’t really smell anything”

“Yeah yeah Niall eat it!” I laughed back at him

He stuck his finger in and pulled it back full of vegemite, hovering for a minute then shoving it in his mouth.

As soon as he pulled his finger out, he regretted his decision.  He made a disgusted face and instantly wandered around looking for a trash bin.

“Come on Niall just swallow it!” Yelled Louis

With his mouth full Niall said back “I can’t ill fucking lose it, I’m not kiddin”

Zayn reached in his pocket and pulled out a napkin walking over to Niall to help. ‘Ziall moments haha.’ I thought to myself.

Niall walked over giving me a soft punch in the arm “You suck Evangeline!”

We were only in Australia for a week before we had to fly back to London for 3 days for TV appearances. 

Zayn POV

We walked in to The Alan Carr: Chatty Man set  it had been a year since we were last here, Alan was always great fun. Last time I was here he asked me to draw a picture of him, I hated it.

This time he told me I could draw anyone I wanted, and that I needed to do a better job since the last one was rubbish. I blushed and accepted his challenge.

He was talking to Harry and Louis about the tension Larry Stylinson causes when he looked over at me. “Zayn who the bloody hell are you looking at?”

I turned to him blushing and said “haha umm no one”

“What do you have to lie for Zayn?” he said as he started to stand “I thought we were great friends” he said laughing

I was still drawing when he walked up and snatched it out of my grip. 

“OH now who is this, they look familiar” He scanned the area I had been looking at holding the picture up. “No not you, or you” Then he looked at Ang “Hmmmm, I believe it’s you!” He nodded and said “Yes definitely you! Who is she Zayn?”

I smiled and said “That’s Evangeline our hair stylist”

Harry looked at me and said “and Zayn”

“Yeah and Zayn?” Said Alan

“Shes my girlfriend” I said with and awkward smile, I was always nervous talking about my personal life

“Zayn has been tamed?” Alan said kneeling over to Liam slapping him on the knee “Bloody hell!”

As we were leaving the studio walking to the van I grabbed Ang’s hand, we didn’t have to hide in London anymore. We were free, after years of hiding our feelings we could finally be honest.

I was in love with Evangeline Husna Nassif… 

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