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"I'm not letting you in. I've seen what you've done," Stiles said, his back pushed dangerously close to the wall.

"You don't have much of a choice. Stiles, I can make us great. I can make you an equal to your old friends. I can make them want you again," the shadowed figure spoke, taunting Stiles.

"I don't care about being an equal. I'm already dying and I'll be damned if I let you in to fuck with them. I won't let you."

"It's a compromise, Stiles. I let you live while you give me your body, simple."

"I've had you in me once, I'm never making that mistake again."

"Stiles, love, I'm not the Nogitsune."

Stile's face dropped, his breathing displaying his anxiety.

"I'm much worse."

The room lit back up as Derek rushed into the room.

"Stiles! Stiles, calm down! C'mon! It's a panic attack, you'll be fine. I'm here, you'll be fine. Please, Stiles, stop screaming," Derek spoke soothingly to Stiles.

"Did you see it? The shadow! It was ri-" Stiles trailed off, looking around the room frantically. "Right there."

"There's nothing there. I promise. They're going to do some tests in a minute. I'll be here as long I need to be."

Stiles nodded as Derek left the room, taking one last glance at Stiles. Stiles shakily rolled over, his face meeting that of the shadow.

"I also don't need permission," it breathed before the room was encased in darkness.

* A/N: Hi all, I just wanted to thank you all for choosing to read this story, it means a lot to me. I want to note that chapters to come will be much longer than this one. This chapter is just to introduce the upcoming storyline and give you all a brief overview of what you should be expecting. In this notation I also want to say that I will be trying to update this story, and my other story (starting soon), regularly (One-Two times a week). Once more, thank you all for choosing this story to read and I hope you all enjoy it. <3 *

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