Chapter 12

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* A/N: I don't usually like putting these at the beginning of the chapter but I need to. There will be mature content [mental abuse, sexual abuse (including non-consensual sex - not graphic, just mentioned), and more]. I really enjoyed this chapter and I hope you do to, thanks everyone <3 *


"Hurry up," Derek growled, the anticipation in the air growing every minute.

"I'm trying," Scott mumbled, flipping through the pages, Stiles' sloppy handwriting filling each page.

"Obviously not hard enough," Derek grumbled, barely audible.

"Still a werewolf, Derek."

Scott's hands raced through the pages, scrolling through each of the lines of confusing text.

"He keeps talking about an Oppidum, his time spent away, spells he learned," he flipped the page, "Again with the Oppidum, someone look up what it is please," Scott pleaded, running a hand through his hair.

Isaac flipped open his phone, searching the word.

"It's a provincial town or building some sort of stability," Isaac stated, returning his phone to his blue-jean pocket, "How the hell is that supposed to help us?"

"It's not," Vanessa said, moving, alongside Stantson, towards the kitchen isle.

"The Oppidum is a sacred place to Shades," Stantson continued.

Vanessa continued, "But also to all Dark entities, especially the Darkness."

Once again, Stantson spoke, "Both of their powers will be at the highest point, but their control will be that of a wolf's on their first full moon, nearly nothing."

"Which ever one of them is able to control it better, will end up dying."

Derek interjected, "What time will it be too late?"

"At midnight, it is more than likely that Stiles will be dead," Stantson replied quietly, "Unless he learned more in those two months than Markus was able to in over two years."

"Stiles is the Shadar, trust me, he learned a lot more," Vanessa said, yanking the book from Scott, "But finding the Oppidum, that's a completely different story."

"What do you mean?" Scott asked, scooting closer to Vanessa, just barely able to read the writing.

"You better hope that Stiles was able to master the Butterfly Effect," she said, flipping through the pages, "or else things just got ten times more difficult."

"The Butterfly Effect?" Scott asked, "You mean the thing Markus presented on?"

"Will you please stop calling that thing 'Markus'?" Stantson asked, "It's not him, it's the Darkness, or Tiago, or whatever the hell his name is today."

"Yes, Scott, it's what Tiago presented on. Both the Darkness and Shade power revolve around this idea. Both are able to look into the future, allowing them to change the present to make it however they wish to change the future, they can also manipulate timelines and distort memories. That's why they are so powerful and dangerous, because their powers revolve around time and space," Vanessa described, still flipping through the pages.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room as the Pack absorbed the information, only to be interrupted by Vanessa's gleeful cheer.

"Yes! He did it, he gave us instructions."

"Lemme see," Scott insisted, grabbing the book and reading the lines. He straightened his back before reciting the lines, "Okay, 'The Oppidum, the most unknown being in the Supernatural Realm, little know of its existence, of its power. To find this sacred spot, you must not only decipher the real world, but also your thoughts and Dark manipulation. The bond of a mate will bring you to the Oppidum, the perseverance and strength of a True Alpha will get you inside, and the wail of a Banshee will reveal all the truths lurking.' Well that's easy enough."

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