Chapter 5

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Stiles had passed out quickly after the room settled. Derek shifted from underneath the boy and lowered him against the wall, next to an unconscious Markus. Derek smiled slightly and leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead. He rose to his full stature and headed for the kitchen, calling, "Pack meeting," as he went.

Everybody filed into the kitchen, Stantson and Vanessa included, and took seats around the island in the middle. Scott sighed, pushing his hair up before he spoke, "So, you two experts, what was that thing?"

Stantson and Vanessa exchanged a sorrowful look before leaning back against the wall. Vanessa shook her head, "His name is Tiago. Tiago Demonio, or more commonly called, 'The Darkness'."

"Well that sound uplifting," Isaac scoffed, earning an intense glare from Derek. "Sorry."

"So another evil spirit?" Scott asked, his breathing jagged.

"Yes. And if that isn't terrible enough, he's still inside of Stiles," Stantson answered softly.

"How is that possible, we just dispelled him," Derek asked, obviously irritated.

"The Darkness marked him. No matter how bright, good-souled he is, he will always be Dark somewhere inside of him."

"We've already saved him from the Nogitsune, I think we can handle a little darkness," Derek said confidently.

"I beg to differ," a raspy voice called out. Everyone's head whipped towards Markus, who held himself up by the kitchen entryway, "The Nogitsune was a dark spirit, think of it like a spirit from Hell. The Darkness is quite literally the Devil."

The room was silent, everyone's breathing filling the air before Stiles' voice rang out, "Well, Hell. How do we stop it?"

Derek's eyes sparked with joy as he rushed over and crushed Stiles in an embrace. The small boy released a choked laugh and smiled into Derek's chest, "Hey Sourwolf."

Derek inadvertently smiled and placed a kiss to Stiles' lips, shocking the small boy.

"Hate to break up this lovely reunion but there's greater problems at hand," Markus ushered the boys back into the room. "The Darkness is the same thing I had to endure. So I know some of its weaknesses, however, because Stiles is a higher level Shade than I am, there are greater risks because he can be influenced easier than I can be."

"I'm a higher level what than you?" Stiles questioned.  

"Shade, a higher level shade,"

"What the hell is a Shade?"

"We'll - I'll - fill you in later, Stiles. The Darkness is easily manipulated because its desires are a necessity to its survival."

"Chaos, strife, and pain, just like the Nogitsune?" Derek questioned, intertwining his fingers with Stiles'.

"Yes, but it also craves death."

"Whose death?" Derek asked, squeezing tightly on Stiles' hand.

"Stiles'," he spoke calmly.

The entire pack stared at Stiles in shock, their eyes filled with pity and sorrow.

"You guys can stop starring at me with pity, like I'm worthless or useless, or both. How do we fix this, Markus, was it?"

"Yeah, it's Markus. The way that we did it, which ensure the Darkness will never come directly after you again, is to kill yourself and hope that we can resurrect you."

Stiles sighed, pulling his hand from Derek's and placing them on the island, "Seeing as I'm not too thrilled with that option, is there any other way?"

Markus' face scrunched into one of thought before he exhaled a shaky breath, "There is one other way. I've seen the rumors but I've never seen it be done and I don't know if it will work."

"What is it, Markus?" Scott asked this time.

"Stiles, we'd have to dig into your past. Dig into it and pull out the light in your life."

Stiles looked at him confused, reaching back for Derek's hand.

"Stiles, we'd have to resurrect your mom."

* A/N: Sorry for not posting lately, I got really lazy and decided to rewatch TW for the premier last Tuesday. Sorry for the short filler chapter, the next will be longer and should be out tomorrow or Monday. Thanks for all the reads and votes <3 *

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