Chapter 19

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Stiles was hyperventilating. He had entered Scott's room, which was two room down from his and Derek's room, when he stopped dead in his tracks.

The body-length mirror was shattered, black goo running down the cracked shards of the mirror. Above the mirror, along the beige wall, was the word 'Useless' sprawled out in dripping, red letters.

Stiles shut his eyes, tears stinging the closed skin as they came into contact with the smoke filled air. Stiles broke out into a coughing fit, the smoke he inhaled finally taking a toll on him. He opened his eyes as the coughing slowly came to an end, taking in the sight around him. The once shattered mirror was now nowhere around. Stiles shook his head, smacking the side of his head as he rushed out of the room, entering Isaac's next.


"What are we supposed to do?" Scott questioned, rubbing Derek's back soothingly as the other Alpha struggled to regain his breath and composure - a panic attack.

"I don't know," Isaac whispered, running his fingers through his curly locks.

"I can smell the damned Wolfsbane from here," Ethan commented, slouching down on a nearby tree. "None of us will make it out alive if we go in there."

Scott nodded, his voice caught in his throat at the thought of Stiles - his best friend - burning alive in the Packhouse because he couldn't do anything to save him.

Derek's breathing even out quickly and, before Scott could protest, he was on his feet and moving towards the burning building.

"Derek!" he called out, watching the Alpha continue towards the house, his pace quickening. "Derek stop!"

"That's my mate in there!" Derek growled, whipping around to stand toe-to-toe with Scott. "It's my job to protect him!"

"Allison was my mate, too!" Scott yelled, "But sometimes we have to trust them! Allison did what she had to, she saved us. Stiles is just as brave and strong as she was! I figured you of all people would realize that!"

Derek was taken aback, never having been spoken to with such harsh words. He was about to make a snarky remark but Scott continued.

"Stiles has survived a Kanima, an all Alpha Pack, a damned Nogitsune, and the Darkness; for fuck's sake Derek he will not be outdone by a fucking fire!"

Derek eyed Scott, slowly nodding his head as tears threatened to force their way out of his eyes. He turned his back to Scott, looking to the house.

"C'mon, Sti," he mumbled, letting a tear stream down the side of his face. "C'mon babe."

The whole Pack joined at his side, all sharing a concerned expression.


Stiles rummaged through his room again, swearing by God Himself's name that he was forgetting something. He continued to toss the mattress and books to the floor, searching anywhere for the jar.

The jar which sat behind him, recently tucked behind the vase of pink tulips -his mother's favorites.


Derek strained his ears, trying to catch the faintest sound that would tell him whether his mate was. But Derek knew he couldn't quite call him that yet. He was still waiting for Stiles to accept him as his mate. He hadn't completed the bond, so, as of now, Stiles was only his boyfriend. 

Derek sighed heavily before he heard the slow, but steady, beat of Stiles' heart, followed by a faint crash of something landing behind the house. Derek quickly rushed and found a pile of items from his past, as well as every other Pack member's past - except for Stiles, who decided that he would make a new start in the Packhouse. Derek looked up, an open window emitting clouds, upon clouds of dark, black, thick smoke.

Derek cupped his hands around his mouth. "Stiles! Babe!" he yelled.

Before his knew it he was greeted with Stiles ash covered, pale face. Derek's heart ticked at the sight before he continued. "Come on, babe! You can jump, I'll catch you."

"Okay," Stiles called. "Just give me a minute."

The house creaked a low moan, telling Derek how little time they had left.

"Stiles, the house is going to collapse. Nothing else in there could be that important!"

"Just give me a minute!"

"Stiles! C'mon, I don't care about those memories. Not right now. I care about you, and you staying alive! We'll have plenty of time to create new, better memories! Together. I love you so much! C'mon, Sti, jump!"

Stiles' face popped up again, slowly nodding as he climbed onto the window ledge. He slowly stood, taking a glance back into the room before jumping.

Derek fell back onto the grass, Stiles landing on top of him.

Stiles began giggling, his laugh coarse  and low from the smoke. "I knew I'd be on top of you sooner or later."

Derek rolled his eyes, planting a kiss on Stiles' dried and cracked lips. Stiles moved quickly off of Derek, moving the to tossed boxes of memories. He picked them up and carried them away from the burning house.

He looked back, into Derek's eyes, when the house emitted a low, deep, dark, ominous rumbled before the roof fell inwards.

Stiles didn't have to be a supernatural creature to hear Derek's heart break. He heard a small sound in the forest as he moved towards Derek, pulling his shoe and sock off.

He tumbled into Derek and embraced him in the biggest, tightest hug he could muster with his human limbs. He fumbled around with his hands before placing the sock into Derek's hand, an arrow flying from the treeline, implanting itself in Stiles' calf.

"Don't fight them," Stiles said through gritted teeth. "It'll just make it worse for you, me, and the Pack. Take it, I love you. I love you so much."

Derek's face adopted a confused and horrified expression, only holding Stiles closer. He looked to the forest as the Calaveras exposed themselves, weapons pointed at each of the Pack members with people to spare.

"What are you doing?" Derek questioned, putting the sock into his jacket pocket.

"Don't move, Hale," Araya Calavera, head of the Calavera hunters, threatened, moving towards Stiles. "We have enough weaponry to wipe your pack out and some extras, and what would that do to your, very special, very human mate?"

"What do you want?" Derek asks as his voice begins to fail.

"We want something that will make us money. Weakening the Hale-McCall Pack would just be an added bonus." She said, gripping and pulling Stiles out of Derek's grip.

"Why him?" tears exposing themselves to everyone.

"Because, Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski has survived a Nogitsune, the infamous Darkness, and greatest of all, he was, and is, the only Shadar to ever live. That makes him very, very valuable. More valuable than a True Alpha or a Demon Wolf."

"Please, don't," Derek said, already feeling lightheaded. He struggled through the haze, feeling suddenly stronger when he looks at Stiles.

It'll be okay, I'll see you soon. I love you. Derek heard in his mind.


Stiles smiled at him, I love you.

"Don't follow us," Araya said strictly. "Or it'll just make it worse, Derek."

Derek nodded slowly, letting a small whimper leave his lips as Stiles was pulled away from him, the back of his shirt rising up just slightly.

But it was just enough for Derek to see his mate's triskelion tattoo.

* A/N: Hey guys. Thank you guys so, so, so, so much for all the reads (5K+), votes (500+), comments and support. I appreciate it so much. I'm sad to say that next chapter will be the last in this story, but either next week, or the week following (most likely next week as it is Spring Break for me) I will begin posting both the new story in this series and my other story The Cult (which I hope you all will at least see what the story is about <3). I wanted to thank you all so much for everything and giving me motivation to continue writing this story. Thank you all so much. I'd also like to give a special thanks to Beacon_Author for the amazingly kind comments and awesome support. Thank you all so much. *

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