Chapter 18

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Stiles groaned as he slid into his seat, putting his Econ book on his desk with a heavy boom. He sighed heavily as he watched the rest of the class piling into the room, settling in just as uncomfortably. 

What a better way to start a Monday, Stiles thought, other than in this hellhole. Stiles looked around, sighing as he remembered that none of his friends were in this period.

Stiles straightened up at the sound of the bell blaring. He began watching Coach stumble into the class absentmindedly. He began talking about lacrosse and other sports coming up, constantly stopping to take a jab at Greenburg. 

Stiles was beginning to doze off when Danny leaned over towards him, whispering, "Class is boring so far, huh?"

Stiles just nodded, his face falling further into his hand.

"Yes," Danny said so quietly Stiles didn't initially hear him.


"I said yes," he grinned.


"You are attractive to gay guys."

Stiles lifted his head slightly, a grin playing across his plump lips. "Thanks, Danny. Now the day's not as bad."

"So," Danny started, leaning back in his chair as Coach continued his assault on Greenburg's choice of apparel. "I was wondering if you'd like to join me on a date this weekend."

Stiles was taken aback, he never thought Danny, of all people, would ask him out. "Dannyboy, I'm sorry but I'm already taken."

"Really?" he asked in shock before his face displayed a wide grin. "Nice job, Stilinski. Who's the lucky guy?"

"How do you know it's a guy?"


Stiles began to smile a sweet smile at the thought of his boyfriend, "His name's Derek."

"Well, Derek is a lucky man."

"Not as lucky as me," Stiles mumbled to himself, doodling in his notebook. 

Stiles continued his doodling until the bell sounded, starling him. He stared down at his work, unable to comprehend the drawing. It was a mixture of dark and light lines, forming together to make a mess of a drawing. He could almost make out a shape when Coach's voice echoed through the room.

"C'mon, Stilinski, get to class. This is my free period."

Stiles nodded, stuffing his book and drawing into his backpack, hurrying out of the room and up the nearest stairway, into Chemistry. 

"Stupid of me to think that I would keep my breakfast down while having to see you in my class, Stilinski," Mr. Harris jabbed. Stiles payed no attention, noting that neither Scott nor Lydia were in the class. "Take you seat, Stilinski."

Stiles took out his book and drawing, examining it further.

Time seemed to fly by quickly, as it was nearing lunch. Stiles still hadn't seen the Pack in any of his classes and was getting worried. He looked down at the drawing and the piece of paper he had been writing on.






Stiles read the words off, making sure to label them in the drawing. He couldn't wrap his mind around one of the things. 

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