Chapter 16

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Stiles planted himself next to Derek on the couch, planting a soft kiss to the wolf's lips. Derek smiled into the kiss before pulling away.

It had been nearly a month since Stiles used his light to banish the Darkness. It was about three weeks ago that the three kids from Algoqu Falls returned to their homes. It was the two week anniversary since John Stilinski discarded all of the alcohol from the house. It's been a week since Derek told Stiles he loved him.

It's been a day since Stiles reciprocated the feeling.

"So," Derek started.

"If this is another one of your 'Are you okay, Stiles' or 'How are you holding up' questions then I swear, Derek, I will slap you," Stiles chuckled under his breath, snuggling into Derek's hard chest.

"I just want to make sure you're okay. I'm sorry for caring about my mate."

"It's not - Derek, you know how I feel about you, us being mates, but I just want to forget that any of that happened. I don't want to be reminded that I almost killed more of our friends, I lost my mom again, and that I had so much power that I couldn't handle it. Okay, Derek, let's just move past it."

"I'm sorry, Stiles."

A slight smile pulled across Stiles' lips before he placed them back on Derek's, moving them in sync with the older man's.

"Another question," Derek said in between kisses, holding Stiles tightly. "Have you thought about telling your dad? About us, I mean."

Stiles sucked in a harsh breath, sitting up, away from Derek.

"Stiles, you don-"

"Yes," Stiles interjected. "I have, I just don't want him to be, y'know, disappointed."

"Stiles, you've seen what he's done recently to show you what you mean to him. He got rid of all the alcohol."

"I know, it just, I don't know. It just doesn't feel right, to tell him, y'know."

"I'm not trying to pressure you into it, okay. So, whatever you choose to do, know I'm right here with you. I love you," Derek spoke sincerely, evoking a smile from Stiles.

"I love you, too, Sourwolf," Stiles said, intertwining their fingers, brushing his lips over their tight fingers.

After a slight moment of silence, Derek sat up, tugging Stiles along with him, planting a wet kiss as they stood.

"Where are we going?" Stiles questioned, holding onto Derek.

"Nowhere. We just need to be ready since a Pack meeting is in about an hour."

Stiles smiled at the thought. His first official Pack meeting in over half a year. Sensing Derek's eyes on him, Stiles connected their eyes, sharing a smile with Derek before hurrying up the metal staircase, into the bathroom that connected to their bedroom. He stripped of his clothes and started the water, letting the steam from the hot water fill the space in the bathroom. He had barely slipped into the shower when he heard the door open. A fraction of a moment later, Stiles was accompanied by Derek in the tight quarters that was their shower.

Stiles tried to suppress a smile, failing miserably, as he rubbed his hands up and down Derek's toned chest and stomach, flicking his finger over his happy trail and bellybutton. Stiles leaned forwards, kissing Derek's jaw, down his chest, and over his nipple.

Derek moaned loudly before pushing Stiles against the cool, tiled wall. He growled with lust and passion, kissing Stiles' pectorals, ribs, abs, happy trail, and more as moans joined the steam in the air.


Adjusted his shirt in the mirror, looking at Stiles' thin figure behind him slipping a t-shirt over his head.

"They'll be here any minute now," Derek mumbled, kissing Stiles' cheek before heading out the bedroom door, down the stairs, and into the kitchen.

He stalked towards the fridge, pulling the door open and examining the contents. He sighed, seeing that there was no food he could just pull out and have prepared. "Stiles," Derek called. "Stiles!"

Stiles appeared a moment later, patting his wet hair down. "Yeah? Whatchya need?"

"Do you think you could whip something up for the Pack? I thought we had leftovers from the other night, but I guess we finished that up."

"Yeah, I got it," Stiles said, taking Derek's place in front of the fridge. He slid the door open, taking in the options. "What sounds good to you?"

"You," Derek smirked, placing his hands on Stiles hips.

"Oh, can it Sourwolf. What would you like to eat?"

"I already answered," Derek whispered in Stiles ear, kissing down his neck.

Stiles sighed, shaking his head, and evil glint appearing in his eyes. "Okay, I think Scott'll enjoy it. Maybe even Lydia, too," he mumbled, putting the most emphasis on Lydia's name.

Derek growled lightly, pulling away from Stiles, "Anything is fine, dickhead."

Stiles chuckled, pulling a jar of tomato sauce from the fridge before moving to the cabinet.

== * ==

Stiles was still preparing a dish for the Pack when the six other teens arrived. As he lifted the pot off of the stove, he walked towards the living room where everyone was gathered, when he sucked in a sharp breath, dropping the pot and letting its contents spill onto the floor. Within seconds, Derek and the others filled the doorway.

"Stiles, babe? What happened?" Derek asked softly helping Stiles scoop up the spilled noodles.

"Nothing, I just tripped," Stiles lied. He knew Derek heard the uptick in his heartbeat, but he remained silent, slowly nodding and placing a kiss to Stiles' lips. The Pack filed back into the living room, leaving Stiles to whip up another batch of noodles.

But Stiles couldn't get the image out of his head.

Each time he closed his eyes, he saw the spark of light shimmer off the metal shards.

* A/N: Hey all. Sorry about this chapter, it really is a filler. The next few chapters will focus mainly on Sterek and Stiles rebuilding his relationships with people in and out of the Pack. Thank you all for sticking around, and I'll see you, with another update, either late Saturday or Sunday. *

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