Chapter 14

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Derek watched Stiles' chest rise and fall every so often, a tube stuck down his throat and multiple wires lacing themselves around Stiles, some in his neck, others in his arm. Scott slouched in a chair opposite Derek, eyes closed as he silently slept. Derek slowly stood, releasing Stiles' cold hand, and left the room. As he shifted down the halls, his shoulder connected with Melissa McCall's.

"Derek," she looked towards the boy, "I was just coming to find you, see if you wanted to go and check on Markus."

Derek didn't reply, didn't even reach her stare. He only nodded and followed her path to the boy's room. When the two of them reached the door, Melissa turned and forced Derek to look at her.

"Don't do anything stupid, Derek. You may not be able to come back after it," she said, rubbing his arm and guiding him through the doorway. Derek nodded as an understanding, watching Melissa as she left the room, trudging through the hallway. Derek sighed, closing and locking the door.

"We should chat, Markus," Derek sighed, seating himself at the foot of Markus' bed.


Stiles pulled to the side of the road, smoke and steam emitting from the hood of his beloved Jeep.

"Useless, stupid, piece of shit," Stiles complained, slamming the door and popping the hood. The gasses spun in the air, hitting him in the face, forcing him away from the car in pain. Stiles checked around the engine for what the smoke could be emitted from, finding multiple possible sources, all from parts of the car unbeknownst to him. "Of fucking course. What the hell is this 'Destroy Stiles' Life Day'?" he questioned no one, anger and sadness boiling deep within him. He slouched down, back against the driver-side, front tire, as the sobs began spilling out. He couldn't stop anything. He hasn't ever been able to stop anything. He couldn't stop his mom's death. Couldn't stop Scott being bitten, his dad's - newly started - drinking, the Kanima from killing the auto-shop worker, Allison from dying, Aiden as well. He couldn't stop anything.

Stiles pushed himself off the ground, taking a look at his phone.

"At least dad's working the nightshift," Stiles sighed, seeing the time was nearing seven in the evening,, "I'm safe for tonight."

Stiles grabbed his backpack and baseball bat from the backseat of his car, pulling the keys out of the ignition. He locked the doors before trekking along the roadside.

Nearly a mile into his journey he heard snaps of twigs in the distance. He slowed to a near stop, moving silently along the forested ground. He knew he shouldn't investigate, that he should be sprinting his way home, but, since he was Stiles, his curiosity got the best of him.

Before taking off into the forest surrounding the road, he took a look around, trying to find anything that would give him some information on where he was. He knew he should recognize the area, given that he basically lived in the woods for a year, give or take, but he just couldn't pinpoint it. He shook the feeling of confusion off, taking off as quietly as he could in the direction of the noise. As he approached the now louder noises, he slowed down, taking slow, quiet, deep breaths, trying to focus on the sight ahead. He could make out figures, four of them for sure. Or he thought.

He looked beyond the figures to a destroyed and burned remainants of a house. Stiles head was spinning, his thoughts clouded over with confusion. He knew the house. He knew the figures. He just didn't know how or from where? His vision began to clear as he saw two of the figures where the four originally stood. Both looking towards him.

Stiles took off, hearing twigs and shrubbery smashing behind him. He felt the presence of two large people following close behind him. He knew that it was a bad idea, yet he cut to the right quickly, getting swiped by a claw. Stiles hissed but kept running. He ran, looking back at the two - very close - figures, when he collided with an protruding branch, falling to the ground with a thud.

Stiles finally woke up, six figures peering down at him. He quickly shuffled away, starring at the - mostly - angry group. "What the hell are you?" he questioned, reaching for his things, only to see them holding it before him.

"Get out of here, Stiles. Now," a brown haired, fit boy growled at him, tossing the backpack and bat.

"How do you know me?" Stiles asked, fear spreading throughout his body and leading his voice.

"I'm tired of this Stiles. Leave," the same boy spoke, turning, along with three others, and leaving.

Stiles collected his things, looking at a tall, brooding, attractive man before hurrying off. When he reached the road, his phone began singing. He pulled the phone out and read the text.

From: Scottyboy

Stay away from the Pack, Stiles. We won't hold back next time.

Stiles looked back towards the forest, eyes wide in realization, "Scott?"

Stiles began running home, breathing hard when he came into sight of his house. His father's patroller in the drive.

Shit. It was Thursday, not Friday.


'What do you remember from there?" Derek asked, his gaze hard and threatening.

"I know you think I'm afraid of you, but I'm not," Markus replied, "And right now, I think you have more pressing matters."

"What do you mean?"

"You remember how I told you I can hear him? Feel him?" Markus asked, pointing to his head.

"What's happening?"

"He never finished fighting his demons. He just suppressed them. He gave up his light to get the Darkness out of me, out of this town, and now he is fighting his demons to keep balance within his soul. If all his demons are fought, he'll enter the Aether."

"What's the Aether?" Derek asked, his heartbeat rising.

"He'll become quintessence, a heavenly body. You'll never get him back." Markus replied, sitting up, yanking the tubes from his body.

"How do we save him?"  Derek asked, helping the boy to the door.

"We break him again."

* A/N: So sorry for the late upload, I may have another chapter up tomorrow, or Wednesday at the latest. Thank you guys for the support as always and if you have any ideas on how the Pack can break Stiles, please be sure to leave a comment about it. I may also be starting another book (Post-Apocalyptic Series) but I may not. If I do, this story will remain my number one priority and will continue getting two to three uploads every week. Thank you guys again, and I'll see you soon <3 *

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