Chapter 8

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Derek was furious. Stiles was gone, stuck in Purgatory. Markus returned a couple hours after Stiles had taken off, accompanied by three pale, dead humans. Scott was still in shock, he had locked himself in the bathroom just after Allison walked through the door. Derek was with the pack, gathered around the kitchen isle, going over a plan of action.

"There's a ceremony we can perform to give us access, but we may not make it back through," Derek said, running his hand through his hair.

"I won't be able to pass back through the worlds, not for another week at least," Markus said, guiding a shaking Claudia to a seat.

"Alright, first I think we need to contact some people. Isaac, can you call Chris and I'll get Ethan on the phone."

Isaac nodded and exited the room, his hand stuffed in his jean pocket. Derek excused himself from the room before putting the phone to his ear, ringing going through the phone.

"Hello," a soft voice came from the other end.

"Ethan, hey. Listen, I don't know where you are, and I honestly don't care, but you need to get your ass back to Beacon Hills, we all need you here."

"Derek, I'm not just going to get back to Beacon Hills af-" he was cut off by Derek's voice.

"Ethan, your brother's back."

The line went silent for a moment, "What?" Ethan spoke softly, his voice cracking.

"Aiden is back, so get your ass back to this town," Derek said, hanging up. He returned back to a full kitchen.

"Chris'll be back soon, how about we figure out how to get Stiles out of Purgatory," Isacc said, "I say we start by catching his scent to get us close to where he entered the world at."

Derek nodded as feet stumbled down the staircase. Scott appeared in the doorway a moment later, his eyes red and puffy. He swallowed the lump in his throat, coughing a little, before beginning, "Where in Beacon Hills could there be a passage between worlds? Somewhere powerful enough?"

Derek's brow tightened before his eyes flooded with realization, "The Nemeton."

Everyone exchanges a communal glance before taking off into the preserve.


Stiles woke up some time later, his head throbbing. He opened his eyes and his vision was flooded with pales faces and empty eyes looking down at him. "What the hell happened?"

The pale faces looked at one another before leaving him. Stiles sighed and slowly sat up, taking in his surroundings. He was laid out on a large tree stump, which he recognized to be the Nemeton, the sky and terrain around him were shades of black, grey, and white. "Hey," he tried calling out, his voice failing, "Hey!"

A girl, blonde headed and quite stunning, came rushing over to him, throwing him into a hug. Stiles stood there for a moment, dumbfounded before he realized the girl. "Erica, what's going on? Where are we?"

Erica giggled, "Stiles, we're in your head, silly."

Stiles' eyes widened in awe. "What do you mean?"

Erica giggled again, gripping his hand, "C'mon, let's go find Boyd and then we'll get out of here."

Stiles obliged and before he knew it he was enveloped in a tight, uncharacteristic, hug from Boyd. Stiles chuckled slightly before turning to Erica, "What happened to the boy I came in here with?"

Boyd and Erica glared at him confused, "Stiles," Boyd began, "you came in alone, bro."

"What?" Stiles questioned, looking up and locking eyes with Markus, the black swirls around him growing. He shut his eyes tightly, shaking his head, before opening them once more.

Markus wasn't there.

Stiles' heart began beating ridiculously fast, his head whipping from side to side in search of the missing boy. Stiles' eyes grazed over familiar faces; Matt, the Nogitsune, Jackson, his Void self. He lowered himself onto the ground, tears streaming down his cheeks, falling onto his tattered jeans. HIs breathing quickly returned to normal. He shot up soon after, calling Jackson over to them. "What do you guys think about us all getting out of here?"

All three of them share simultaneous glances, smiling and nodding. The four kids gripped hands and Stiles closed his eyes, beginning to focus on the real world.

"Stiles," Erica said softly, "you need to remember this. To become a true Shadar, you need to make your demons think they've won, before you fight back."

Stiles nodded, still focusing on the image in his head. He felt his stomach do a flip before he dared to open his eyes. When he finally gained the courage to open his eyes, he looked at the dark, destroyed chasm that was once his living room, with his father passed out on the couch. He quickly pulled out his phone, walking around and picking up the pieces of thrown items, sighing at the time it read.

"Damnit, dad. You're definitely going to remember I was gone after cur-" Stiles began, stopping when tears filled his eyes, picking up the two torn pieces of paper, one held just his body, while the other held his mother and father smiling at an unseen camera. He bit down on his lip, stopping a small whimper from escaping his lips. He crumpled the small picture of himself before chucking at his father's limp body. "Are you happy now!" Stiles screamed, tears flowing freely down his face. "Huh? You fucking jackass! Are you happy now! Now that you've broken me! Are you pissed that I'm still alive?" Stiles was on the ground now, his nails digging into his skin.

Stiles choked down a sob, his head turning to the table, spotting the bottle of whiskey. he sprang towards it, gripping it tightly and sipping down a good portion of the bottle. He felt the liquid go down his throat, leaving a pleasurable burning sensation behind. He looked at the bottle before chucking it at the wall behind him, glass and whiskey going everywhere. Feeling satisfied with himself, Stiles strutted to the kitchen and began throwing bottle upon bottles of alcohol to the floor, and, before he knew it, he was surrounded by a mess of broken glass and liquid. He brought himself to the ground, wrapping his arms around his knees as tears stained his face.

He fell asleep as the alcohol slowly crept towards this body.  

* A/N: Thank you all so, so, so much for over 1k reads, that means so much to me. I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far, and coming within the next few chapters I am promising you a few things; 1) There WILL be (much) more Sterek, 2) There will be some MINOR/MAJOR character death, and 3) The storyline involving Tiago/The Darkness will reach its climax. I hope you're all prepared, because I'm still not sure I am fully prepared. Once again, thank you oh so much for all the reads and votes. *

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