Chapter 4

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Markus stepped back, tugging at Scott's arm as he did so. Scott's face was plastered with a horrified look as he whipped his head towards Markus. The two walked past Derek, who had tears streaming his face, and Stantson, past Isaac and Liam, around the girls and into the kitchen before Markus released Scott. Scott's expression quickly changed from horrified to anger. "You said he wouldn't die!" he yelled, balling his fists.

Markus looked down at his fists before looking into his eyes, "I know what I said," he spoke calmly, repositioning the quarterstaff in his hand.

"The why is he laying out there with an arrow in his neck?" Scott questioned harshly.

"Scott, just like I explained to Derek earlier, I know much more than you, or anyone else out there will ever know. Stiles," he continued, "Stiles is the only person who will one day know ore than me."

"What are you talking about?"

"Scott, you are the 'True Alpha', yes?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Derek was born a Werewolf in a similar way to how I was born as a Shade, both of us later becoming an Alpha of sort. Stiles, like you, was a human at birth, later becoming what he is now."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that Stiles is the prophesized Shadar. He's not a disciple of angels, he is an angel. Just like me, Stiles is going to face terrible conflicts within his transition."

"What's going to happen?"

"The same thing that happened to me, but magnified."

"What ha-" Scott tried to question but was cut off by a large crash inside the house. Both of the boys rushed out towards the noise, looking into Derek's red eyes.

"Derek, you need to calm down. It's not wha-" Markus spoke quickly and calmly, stopping his sentence when Derek gripped his shirt and threw him towards the wall.

Markus shakily stood up, rubbing his shoulder. He bent down, keeping his eyes locked on Derek as he gripped his staff. "Lux separant a tenebris," he muttered, one eye changing white while the other goes black, raising his hands as two figures, mirrors of himself, appear next to him. The two clones, one dressed in all black, the other in all white, rose from the ground with him.

"Markus stop!" Vanessa yelled from across the room. He slowly turned his head, glaring heavily into her. She returned the glare, reaching for her bow on the ground. Markus looked towards the white dressed clone and nodded in her direction, watching as the clone walked towards her.

"Derek, you need to trust me. If you don't I will subdue you and Stiles will die."

"He's laying dead outside!" Derek growled.

"Trust me!"

Derek's face tightened into a scowl before he nodded his head. Markus twisted his hands and brought them towards the ground causing the clones to fall to dust. He looked around the room, his eyes still separated in white and black, before he walked towards the front door.

"Markus, that's suicide!" Stantson yelled, rushing towards the boy, getting gripped by Derek before he could make it.

"Derek and Scott, c'mon. I'm going to need your help."

Both of the boys nodded and rushed over to the door, standing behind him.

Markus looked over towards Vanessa, "In my pack there's a book, page eighty-two will describe what needs to be done. What you guys did on me is different than what needs to happen to him. He isn't in the afterlife, he's in a Purgatory-like state. Perform it as stated," he turned his attention to the boys, "One of you, probably Derek, will need to get Stiles and get him inside, the other will need to get me inside after this is over. The spell I'll use will take a minute to take effect but I won't be able to stay conscious. Let's go get him."

The boys rushed out of the front door, Derek taking of towards the boy's body. Markus raised his hand, entrancing the wolves, muttering a spell, "Amittere vinculis haedis lucem ac tenebras."


Derek rushed in the door as Markus swayed, being caught by Scott as howls and arrows were fired towards them. Scott slammed the door behind them, hearing the howling die down.

"The other Packs, they've got Hunters on their side?" Scott questioned a worried Derek.

Derek didn't reply, looking towards Lydia as she rushed over with the book. She slid onto the ground, beginning to read aloud.

"Someone needs to get a knife and do as I say," Lydia said, watching Vanessa pull a knife and come towards them. "We also need his love, Derek that's you, someone to read it with a strong bond, that'll be me, and we need someone who is like a brother or sister figure to him," she spoke looking around the room. "Scott, I know you do-"

"C'mon Lydia, I'm not letting him die," Scott huffed, looking down at the boy as he yanked the arrow from his throat.

"Ok, each of you join a hand with Stiles and your other with one of mine," all of them did so. "Tueri vitam. Vanessa, cut into both of Stiles' palms and one of theirs as well," she instructed.

Vanessa moved quickly, drawing blood from Stiles and the other two boys.

"Conteram cutis. Rejoin your hands."

Vanessa moved quickly, slicing into Lydia's hands and the boys' other hands before she gave instruction. Lydia nodded, "Conteram corpus. Now join with mine."

All four kids held onto one another's hands, "Conteram propinquitate iungantur," she spoke softly, causing a spark of electricity to go through all of the kids and push them away from Stiles.

The group looked down a the boy's body as it twitched and convulsed. Derek's eyes grew wide, tears threatening to fall. He rushed over to Stiles and gripped his hand. He kissed the boys temple as his body fell limp. "Stiles?" he whisper in the boys ear, "Stiles?" he spoke louder this time as lights inside the house began to flicker. The windows shook as well as the glass in the kitchen. Derek looked at all the scared and confused faces on his Pack as Stiles opened his eyes and screamed out in pain, gripping onto Derek as tight as his hands could, nails digging into Derek's sides. Stiles slowly calmed as a cloud of black smoke  grew across the room, a dark figure in the middle of it. Stiles backed away, his breathed hitched in his throat.

The dark figure looked around before his voice, more chilling and evil than before, filled the room, "This isn't over Stiles, not by a long shot. I'll see you and Markus very soon." His demonic laughter filled the room before he was gone.

Stiles couldn't hold back the tears as Derek wrapped his arms around the boy, kissing him softly.

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