Chapter 2

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"Why the fuck is there a Wendigo in this house!" Derek growled, claws beginning to extend from his hand.

"Oh put your damned claws away, Werepuss," the girl mocked, a sawed-off resting between her fingers.

Derek growled again, taking a step forward before Lydia's strawberry red hair filled his face. Lydia wrapped her arms around the girl. "It's been a long time no see, Vanessa."

"Yeah. How's life been treating you?" Vanessa, the girl, mumbled into her hair.

"It's been better," Lydia spoke, tears forming in her eyes. "Who's the big bad Wendigo?"

"The name's Stantson," the boy said, morphing back to his human form.

Derek stood amazed at the boy, taking in the boy's details. "You're the Makkapitew."

"Nice observation. I can see you're the Alpha."

"Yeah. One of them."

Derek's pack looked between the two before Scott broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, but what the hell is a Makkapitew?" he questioned.

"Derek is one of your pack's Alphas, the leader, along with yourself. I'm the leader of my 'pack'," Stantson replied, finger quoting the word 'pack'.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Scott!" Derek snapped, causing the boy to snap his head towards him, his eyes filled with annoyance. "He's the leader of all of the Wendigoes."

Derek heard a mixture of whispers lacing the air behind him. He turned and faced Isaac and Liam who were engaged in a mini conversation.

"What is it you two?" he asked.

"What's up with that kid?" Liam spoke up, nodding his head to a dark clothed boy examining pictures around the room.

Derek watched the boy for a moment before walking over to him.

"What're yo-" he started, stopped dead in his tracks by the boy raising his hand. Derek tried to move but was held in a trance.

The boy lowered his hand, allowing Derek to move. "Who are you?" he growled at the boy.

The boy turned his head slightly, revealing two deep, dark, blue eyes, before turning back to the photos.

"You'll have to excuse him. He hasn't really been much of a talker lately," Vanessa explained, walking over to the boy, leaning in and whispering something to the boy. He nodded his head in response and turned, flashing a quarter staff to the group. "His name's Markus. About a month back we had to kill him so we could dispel an evil spirit. After we summoned him, he hasn't really spoken unless the case presents itself."

"How did you revive him? The species of Wolfsbane to revive humans only grows in Beacon Hills. Earlier you said that you've never been to this town before now." Derek questioned the group.

"We didn't use Wolfsbane, Derek." Stantson said matter-of-factly.

"We just used a Ouija Board." Vanessa finished, placing a hand on Markus' shoulders.

"How did you get him through? Only supernaturals can pass through the spirit and human realm safely." Derek questioned, looking over the boy once more.

"I think that's obvious," the boy finally spoke up, "I'm not human."

"Then what the hell are you?"

"The Shadir."

"The what?" Isaac questioned, a confused expression plastered onto his face.

"The one born from the family of light and dark. The perfect balance of good and evil. The perfect creature," Derek mumbled. "I remember reading about you. One of the most powerful creatures to ever exist. One Shadir every three hundred years."

"That's where you're wrong," the boy said, moving towards the pack. "There's one other Shadir alive."

Derek and the rest of the kids looked at the boy in wonder.

"His name's Stiles, and it's time for us to be united."

* A/N: Hey all, I'm so sorry that this chapter is so short, I've had a lot going on with school this past week. I still wanted to give you all a small upload, even though it is more of a filler chapter, to lead into a main realization and plot point coming soon. Also, these characters (Vanessa, Stantson, Markus) all come from another story that I may be posting later (events leading towards this point in time). Anyhow, I will be having at least one more (hopefully two) chapters coming out this weekend, which will be longer than this.  Please let me know what you are thinking about this story thus far and let me know, as well, what you would like to see happen in this story. Once again thank you all for reading <3 *

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