Chapter 10

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Two Months Later:

Markus had grown exponentially powerful. The Pack, or what remained of it, was under constant fear of something happening, something that they couldn't stop. Markus had taken all of the revivals, each of them were touched by the Dark. Ethan went with his brother, not being able to lose him once more. Liam was under constant watch by Deaton, a rare form of Wolfsbane speeding through his blood, poisoning him from the inside out. Derek hadn't slept in nearly a week, all his effort put into finding a way to keep the Pack safe.

All of them stopped trying to find Stiles almost a month earlier. They all realized that Stiles wouldn't be found unless he wanted to, so they left him alone, giving him the time he needed.

School had started once again, and the Algoqu Pack had enrolled at Beacon Hills High, Markus tormenting them throughout the day. Vanessa and Stantson worked in secret with Derek, trying, but failing, to find a way to save Markus without killing him.

Stiles had grown his power exponentially, learning the different ways to control, and unleash, his angels and demons. He learned how to control his shifting, his desires, his needs. He didn't need protection. He didn't need support. He needed his Pack. He needed Derek. 

Present Day (Stiles):

Stiles pulled up to the building, the lot filled with cars but empty of students. He looked at the clock, "11:36," he chuckled, "Just a tad bit late." He shut off the car, gripping the straps on his backpack as he pulled it onto his back. He pushed open the two double doors in the front of the school and made way for the administrations office.


Markus stood before the fourth period English class, reading out a report assigned to the class. "In summary, the Butterfly Effect, titled from the idea that even butterflies could change the future, is around us all the time," his glare grazed over each of the Pack members in the classroom, landing on Scott's as he continued, "Whether it be from the inclusion of somebody in your life, to the loss of another, our futures are always changed by foreseen, and unforeseen, events." The class broke out into applause, the teacher commending the boy on his report and his knowledge of the subject, while Scott and the rest of the Pack shuffled uncomfortably in their seats. Markus smirked wickedly as he sat down in the desk next to Scott, the teacher regaining the attention of the class.

"Alright, class, we will be receiving a new student within the next ten minutes, so I want all of you to treat them no different, as well as making them feel welcome."

The class stayed silent, giving an understanding hum throughout the air.

"We'll finish the rest of the reports by the end of this week, but for now, please take out To Kill a Mockingbird and finish reading chapter nine and ten."

An over exaggerated sigh swept over the classroom as a knock filled the air. The teacher walked towards the door, swinging it open, "You must be our newest addition to the class. Come in, come in and introduce yourself."

The boy made his way to the front of the class, adjusting the strap of his backpack before clearing his throat, "Well," he began, "my name is Stiles, Stiles Stilinski, and I'm not so much as 'new' here, but more of a 'returning from a prolonged absence'," he finished chuckling. He searched the crowd, smiling as his face hit each of the Pack's. His smiling quickly turned into a disgusting scowl as he hovered over Markus. Sties regained his smile as he pictured all of the ways he could torture the boy.

"I am so excited to be in your class and I do very hope that I don't disrupt the trutina in this class," Stiles giggled, eyeing a wide-eyed Markus.

* A/N: I am so sorry this chapter was short and sucky, I promise I will have another one up by Wednesday (which will be better, longer, and will explain the last sentence). I wasn't so sure where to go with this chapter, but it will have meaning come next weekend, and the Butterfly Effect will have a very important role in this story from here on out. Thank you all for reading, and I'll see you next time <3 *

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