Chapter 3

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Scott stood on the back wall of the loft, observing the new members of that pack and eyeing Derek closely. He face turned in annoyance and confusion, changing his scent.

Derek turned and looked at Scott, who motioned him over. Derek looked at Isaac and whispered into his ear, "Keep an eye on them for now, especially the quiet one," earning a nod from the boy. He walked after Scott, turning into Stiles' old bedroom. "What now, Scott?"

"Why didn't you tell me the piece of shit was your mate?"

"Don't call him that," Derek hissed, making Scott scoff, "Didn't find it important," Derek shrugged.

"My ass. Why not?"

"Because it would've caused more drama in this pack than there already was."

"I almost killed him the other day, Derek. I was hoping I could kill him. Make him pay for what he did,"

"He didn't do anything.""

"Of course he did! He killed Aiden, he tried to kill me, and he killed Allison! He killed my first love!"

"No, the Nogitsune killed all of them! Not Stiles," Derek growled, fangs protruding his lips.

"An Alpha fight isn't good for this pack," Scott huffed, walking towards the door, "I still hate the dick, but I'm not going to harm him."

Derek sighed, pulling his phone from his pocket. He clicked the phone on and saw the two missed calls he had, both from Stiles. He quickly dialed his number and waited for the boy to pick up. His eyes perked up at the sound of a hone going off. Derek's face was plastered with confusion as he walked out to the rest of the pack barricading doors and windows. "What the hell s going on?" he questioned, quickly joining them in the effort.

"The other packs are outside!" Scott yelled, slamming an upturned mattress onto the front door.


The boy crouched over the man's body, clinging onto his throat with a look of desire in his eyes. He tilted his head back, letting out a satisfied moan, pulling his hand, along with the man's entrails, towards his side. "Now wasn't that just surreal," he spoke to no one. He looked back into the woods, peering behind the trees, catching a glimmering blue light, followed by a yellow, and then more of the same colors until he stopped on the reds. "This just got exciting."

The werewolves leapt out of the forest, slashing and beating on Stiles as his eyes returned to the chocolate brown color he was born with. He let out an excruciatingly painful scream, pleasing his attackers. He began to whimper, letting tears fall freely. He started breathing heavily, choking on the small bits of air he received.

Calm down, kid. I'm gonna get us out of this, just put on a show. Enjoy and take note of what I can do for you.

Stiles shakily stood up only to receive a blow to his back, sending him back to the ground. Blood spilling out of his mouth. A hand gripped his hair, yanking his head back. He couched up blood and spit towards the shifted werewolves around him. One of the men, an Alpha, wiped the crimson liquid from his face before punching Stiles in the temple, knocking him out.

C'mon kid, get up, the voice spoke softly to Stiles. Stiles shuffled around on the ground before standing up, coughing and spitting up crimson. His hand fumbled around his pockets, shakily pulling out his cellphone. He slapped his arm over his eyes as the bright, white light filled his face. He slowly removed his arm as his eyes started to adjust, swiping around the names, ultimately picking Derek's. The phone rang until his voicemail came up. Stiles sighed and tried his number once more, receiving the same tone. He held the phone up as he turned on the flashlight. He began walking through the darkness, his body still shaking.

Calm down and use your hearing.

Stiles did what he was told, listening closely to any and all noises. He turned the corner and slowly picked up his pace. He came to a series of doors, one opened widely towards the end. He inhaled deeply before walking through the door, his breath sticking in his throat. "Man, fuck me," he spoke before being tackled and dragged to a car.

Stiles was pushed out of the car, onto the mulch below. His arms were gripped by two sets of claws, pulling him through the woods. He saw the lines, seven thick at least, on the outskirts of the Pack's house. Stiles sighed, What're we doing now? he questioned himself.

There was no response.

What the Hell are we going to do?

Nothing again.

Stiles sighed, tears forming in his eyes. He was pushed through the crowd, stares burned through him. The two men pushed him onto the ground of the clearing near the house. Stiles spit dirt and pine needles onto the ground, looking up to the house. He could barely make out figures through the windows. He shakily started to stand, being knocked back down, a crossbow's arrow poking him in the back. He looked up towards the house once more, listening intensely. He could hear Derek yelling for him, Scott mumbling his name, and Lydia crying.

A slight smile spread across his face when his mind spoke up to him, Sit back and enjoy this, kid. You've learned well.


Derek howled out his mate's name, pushing and rummaging around the room, attempting to break free from the trance he was in. He looked towards the boy holding himself up with a large branch, letting a strong and painful growl escape his lips.

"You don't scare me, Derek," the boy said softly, walking towards the window, grimly looking out it.

"I will tear your throat out! Fucking asshole!" Derek hissed, fighting against the trance.

"Derek! Calm do-"

"I will not calm down! My goddamn mate is out there with two other packs, both of which want to hurt me as badly as they can!"

"I know that. I know much more than you do, Derek. That's why I'm taking control of this situation."

"You don't have power here!"

"This is my dominion now!" Markus screamed, turning back towards Derek, "This town is under my watch until Stiles is fit to take over."

Derek growled once again, bowing his head.

"Is he going to die?" Scott spoke up softly, looking out the window.

Markus looked out the window once more, spotting Stiles as he walked, slowly, towards the house.

"No," he exhaled loud and deeply as the arrowhead protruded Stiles' neck and he fell to the ground.

*A/N: Sorry for the late upload, this past week I had a large Physics final and baseball tryouts, I hope you all enjoyed and I will be uploading once more either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for sticking around <3*

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