Chapter 6

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"My mom?" Stiles choked out in a whisper, his breathing hitching itself in his throat.

"Yeah, Stiles. I'm sorry," Markus mumbled, bowing his head.

"Why would we need her? She's was just a human, just like I a- thought I was."

"Stiles, I know you don't want to dig up your past, I know the feeling, but it's either this, or you dying. I don't think anyone in this room wants to see you dead. Hell, I just met you and I already know you don't deserve that. Any of this."

Stiles slowly nodded his head, his lips pursed in a straight line. Scott's eyes went alert when the buzzing of a phone came from the other room.

"That's mine," he said, looking to Stiles, "I'll be right back."

Stiles watched as Scott left the room, nuzzling himself into Derek's side. Derek's lips formed a small smile and he leaned down and placed a small kiss on Stiles' temple.


Scott ran over to the buzzing phone on he table, sliding his thumb across the green telephone symbol, and raising it to his ear, "Hello?"

Melissa McCall's voice flooded the speakers, "Have you gotten any leads on Stiles?"

"Yeah, mom," Scott started, "We've got him. He's safe."

"That's - uh - great."

"Mom? Mom, what's wrong?"

"Scott, he's been missing for two weeks and the pack happens to find him? That seems really bad, considering, your strained relationship."

Scott sighed, running his free hand through his hair, "Yeah, that does sound bad. Can you call the Sheriff and tell him to meet at the pack house?"

There was a slight pause, brief but still present, before Melissa spoke, "Yeah, I just hope you all know what you're doing."

"Yeah, so do I. Bye mom."

"Bye, Scott,"

Scott, sighed and lowered his arm, trudging back towards the kitchen.


"Stiles, there's a lot we have to get done by the next full moon. When is that, by the way?" Markus asked the room.

"A week and a half," Derek stated, letting go of Stiles and resting his back onto the wall.

"Less time than I thought," Markus sighed, rubbing his temples, "Alright, we need to do this by Friday or else you'll be too tired to fight come the full moon."

"I'll be too weak anyhow if I don't know how to control this, or even use my powers for that matter."

"Stiles, everything about a Shade is through their mind. All of it. And since you are a Shadar - the Alpha of Alphas, per say - you are the only one with full control of your powers without knowing it. But you're also the only one who can banish this being."

"Okay, so how do we all approach this on the full moon?" Stiles asked, watching Scott walk back into the room, taking a spot against the wall next to Isaac.

"Stiles, none of us can help you."

"What?" Stiles and Derek questioned simultaneously.

"We can't interfere. None of us. If we do, you'll die and everything that we would have built up will come crumbling down. Just trust me on this, Stiles, I've faced Tiago before, I had to do the same thing."

"But you died," Derek snapped.

"That's because we interfered," Stantson said, walking towards Markus, "We thought he was still under dark manipulation."

"And that is?" Scott piped up, looking down at his watch.

"We thought he was still possessed, or having thoughts like he was still possessed," Stantson said.

"Okay, well we'll have to continue this another time seeing as Stiles' father will be arriving soon."

Stiles stiffened, sharply inhaling. Derek scrunched up his face, shooting Scott a glare. "Scott, you didn't," Derek exhaled.

"What's wrong? What did I do?"

"My dad, he - uh- he's been drinking again, A lot, lately. He said he wa- was happy I was finally getting punished for killing my mom."

"Stiles," Scott's voice wretched, "I didn't know. I'm so-"

"Of course you wouldn't," Derek interrupted him, "You were too overjoyed with him being in the hospital and hating on him to notice!"

"Derek, stop," Stiles said soothingly.

"Stiles, you know he'd never mean that."

"Scott, he always told me, 'A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts'. I know he meant it."

"Stiles, we can get you out of hear before he gets here," Scott said softly.

"Don't bother," Markus said, "He's almost here."

"How do yo-" Derek started, his ears perking up at the sound of a car speeding through the brush.

"My ears are much better than yours. I suggest we all go upstairs and give them some time by themselves."

"Yeah, okay," Derek huffed, placing a small kiss on Stiles' head, leading everyone out of the kitchen.

Stiles watched as everyone filed out of the kitchen and traveled up the stairs. He inhaled a shaky breath as an assault of pounds struck the front door. He straightened himself up, pulling his torn shirt down, and walked towards the door, his hand shaking as he gripped the round knob, twisting and pulling it, revealing his guilt-stricken father's face.

"Hey dad."

* A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update, I wasn't completely sure where I was going with chapter, (I'm still not sold on it, sorry) but I do know where the net couple of chapters will be going and I can tell you with great certainty that there will be some eventful action (and possible romances, deaths, and new arrivals) to come. Thank you all for stick around and reading this story. *

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