Chapter 15

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Derek and Markus rushed down to Stiles' room, avoiding the eyes of the nearby doctors and nurses as they slipped down the hallways and into the boy's room.  Derek eyed Stiles closely, watching as his chest rose softly before falling back into place. Derek wanted nothing more that for Stiles to wake up and have everything go back to normal, but he knew that could never happen.

"We're going to have to work quickly before any of the staff come in here," Markus insisted, rushing to Stiles' side, gripping his forearm.

"What do I need to do?" Derek asked, joining Markus by Stiles' side.

"We're going to enter his mind. So, you'll need to do that thing you do with your claws," Markus said looking up at a hesitant Derek. "C'mon Derek, trust me."

"Not a damn chance."

"Well I'm all you have, all Stiles has, so I'd get to stepping."

Derek huffed in response, releasing his claws as he dug into Markus and Stiles' necks. His eyes grew wide as his mental state transferred through his nails, into Stiles' subconscious.

"The hospital?" Markus asked, locking eyes with Derek.

"It was hard for him in there. I was the only one who visited him. Every other day," Derek explained. "His father came around maybe once a week, if that. No one else from the Pack. It broke him."

"No, it destroyed him," Markus started, walking towards the entrance, Derek tailing quickly behind him. "And now you're going to finish it."

The pair walked through the white hallways, the stench of bleach and antiseptic stinging Derek's nose.

"Which was it?" Markus asked, "Which room?"

"216," Derek replied, moving towards the cracked doorway. He peered inside, seeing a confused Stiles staring at a doctor. He started focusing greatly, listening to their conversation.

"No disease. No nothing," the doctor said, confusion spilling over into his voice.

"What?" Stiles questioned, tears evident in his tone.

"Stiles, you're free to go. I'm scheduling an appointment in two weeks for a checkup, until then if you need to come in, come in."

"Thank you," Stiles sighed, shuffling off the bed. Derek and Markus took this as their cue to find a place to hide, just a few feet away, around the corner of the hallway. Derek watched in awe as Stiles stepped out of the room, looking around and sighing when he couldn't locate Derek.

"Break him by breaking the timeline. Change what happened to hurt him more and realize that this isn't the real world," Markus said, giving Derek a slight push around the corner.

Derek walked up to Stiles, running different lines through his head that he could say to break Stiles out of the comatose-like state he was in. He reached the boy quicker than he predicted, reaching out and tapping his shoulder.

Stiles spun around quickly, gasping at Derek's presence before leaping into his arms, tears streaming down his face. "I thought you left, Der," Stiles cried, tightening his grip on Derek.

Derek resisted the urge to envelope his mate in his arms, holding his arms out awkwardly instead. Stiles pulled away, sensing that something was wrong. "Derek?"

"I was leaving, Stiles," Derek said as darkly as he could.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I mean what I said. I was leaving. I didn't want to be around you anymore. Not when you are so close to death."

"Derek? I thought - because I was Pack - that-"

"Pack?" Derek questioned with a sense of false evil in his tone. "Stiles you were never Pack."

"But- but you said. You said I was Pack."

"I know what I said," Derek said, "but that was only because you were dying and I felt bad for you and your father. Mainly your father."

Derek could basically feel Stiles heart break, tears and an expression of terror stained his face. Stiles opened his mouth to say something when he shut it tightly and furrowed his brows together. A wave of realization flooding Stiles' system as he released a large breath of air.

"This isn't real," he muttered. "You didn't say that the first time."

Derek looked into the boys' whiskey colored eyes, which were glossy from the tears he shed. His eyes drifted slowly away, keeping Stiles in his peripheral vision, watching as the dream basically collapsed on itself. Derek closed his eyes, waiting to wake up in the real world. He opened his eyes and saw Melissa watching them closely, the Pack waiting anxiously outside the door. He retracted his claws, watching as Stiles sat up gasping for air.

"Derek?" the boy asked quietly, tears beginning to form in his eyes.

Derek walked over gripping the boys hand, planting a long, passionate kiss on his lips. He pulled away slowly, mumbling against Stiles' lips, "I'm here. I'll always be here."

* A/N: I am so sorry for the very late update. Last week I was really, really sick, and so I spent most of this past week catching up on the homework I missed. Updates will be coming regularly again, and I am hoping for a double update next weekend. Also, please tell me where you would like to see this story go, as I like to include (or at least try to) your suggestions. As always, thank you all for reading and supporting this story. *

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