Chapter Twenty Nine- Oh My God You're Pregnant

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Chapter Twenty Nine- Oh My God You're Pregnant

I glanced around the crowd and searched for Mason. It couldn't be hard to spot him in a crowd full of teenage girls,right?

Finally I resorted to calling him. He picked up on the second ring and relief washed over me.

"Princess, where are you?" he sounded slightly panicked.

"I'm by entrance B, where are you?" I asked scouring the area for Mason.

"I took Fallon to the car. Hold on, I'll be there in a sec." he said before I heard him tell Fallon to stay put.

I patiently waited for Mason as he went into the mosh pit of fangirls who were now trying to get a glimpse of Asher Nash. I rolled my eyes as a girl was shoved to the ground and cringed when one was punched in the nose.

These girls were scary dedicated to him.

"Thank god I found you." Mason sighed in relief when he caught a glimpse of me.

Now was my chance to tell him. To say that I love him and only him. This was the right time. So I dove into it.

"Mason I lo-" Before I could say anything else, a girl shoved me on the ground.

So much for perfect timing. The snarky little voice snickered. I growled in response.

"Ally are you okay?" Mason asked crossed between concerned and angry. "I hate fangirls. They are crazy bit-"

"Watch it Mase, they might come after you next." I joked dryly. Mason broke a small smile and wrapped an arm around me to guide me back to the car.

We walked in silence praying we won't get victimised again. However, Mason was oddly quiet. He usually would have eased the tension with some smart-ass remark. But he kept his lips sealed.

Finally I stopped in the middle of the parking lot. I refused to ignore a problem, especially if it concerned Mason. "What's wrong Mase? It's not the fangirls is it?" I asked.

Mason shook his head, his jaw ticked and he began walking away. My eyes widened in shock. I jogged to keep up with his long strides.

"Dear Ghandi, slow down man. I don't have stilts for legs like you." I said breathlessly, "Tell me what's wrong and I can fix it."

Mason looked at me flatly, "It's not something that can be fixed."

"Well we don't know that." I reasoned with him, "Why don't you tell me what's wrong Mase, please?"

"It's stupid." he muttered stopping and giving my legs a break.

"Tell me." I urged him, taking hold of his hands. He looked down at our interlocked fingers and brought them up to kiss my fingers softly.

His grey eyes meet my green ones. Before I could question him further he crashed his lips to me feverently. His lips worked magic, but this was different.

It was like he was staking a claim. And then it became clear.

I broke the kiss off and smirked at Mason. He looked down immediately but he knew I found out. "You're jealous, oh my god you're the jealous type." I laughed.

"Shut up." he muttered, I couldn't hide my smile. Some girls would hate having a jealous boyfriend, but I liked it. It meant that he wasn't full of himself and there was a side of him that was genuinely insecure.

"What do you have to be jealous about? Mason Reynolds, I am yours or don't you remember?" I told him softly, cupping one of my hands on his face. He closed his eyes and leaned into my touch, he savored it like it would be his last. He always did that.

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