Chapter Nine- I Give Their Pathetic Lives Excitement

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Chapter Nine- I Give Their Pathetic Lives Excitement☑

"Well what about this one?" Brie asked coming out of the dressing room.

"It's pretty." I mumbled my mind aimlessly absent. My thoughts were pretty much consumed by Mason.

After he found me in the wardrobe, he interrogated me. Of course I lied about hearing anything. Whether he bought the lie was completely unknown. But if he didn't, he never said.

Mason had spent the whole week ignoring me. He had skipped work enough that Davie finally put his foot down. As a result, Mason was going to work all weekend. I was going to be with him since I as his mentor and I had no plans for the weekend.

"Pretty? That's it, it's only 'Pretty'." She scoffed, before she stomped back to the dressing room.

I groaned and collapsed on the couch for those boyfriends who were forced here. I sat next to two guys as they too, slumped next to me.

"Girlfriend drag you here?" I asked them. They both nodded and groaned again.

"You?" One of them asked raising his eyebrow.

"Worse," I sighed, rubbing my face. "my best friend." I whispered dramatically.

"I would say I can relate-but I can't."

"Lucky." I whined, "I know how you guys feel now. I swear I will never bring a male soul to the mall with me to dress shop. I know the struggle." I declared in a preachy voice.

"Amen!" Both of the guys stood up and shouted with enthusiasm.

"No longer will I think 'awe he's sweet for dress shopping with her' I will pity the man!" I shouted hopping onto the couch like a soapbox.


"I will NEVA eva eva bring-a man to the ring of hell known as the mall!"


"I've seen torture! I know the struggle- the humiliation! I know your pain my brotha's!"


"Ally are you leading another rebellion?" Brie's voice snapped, as she stood in her latest outfit.

"Ooh busted." One of the guys snickered.

"What are you laughing at John?" A pretty red head snapped at him. Cue guy #2's laugh and his girlfriend.

We shared shame glances before the girls ripped our heads off. Oh the struggle!

All three of us stood there in numbing fear as all our 'girlfriends' griped at us. Even Brie went of the attack as she showed me no mercy. I was most afraid of her.

After me and the guys were thoroughly handed our asses by the girls. Brie dragged me off to the food court.

FOOD! Glorious beautiful calorie ridden food. The whole reason why people are happy around the world. FOOD.

"Oh no." Brie tugged me away, as I made my way to the burger shack.

"Why do you hate me!" I cried out dramatically, throwing my hands up.

"We can't get fat before the dance. We both need to fit into our dresses." She said, guiding us towards the vegan stand.

Eww healthy food!

"I'm not even going to the dance." I grumbled.

"What!" Oh I forgot to tell Brie, didn't I? "Yes you are, you made that pact. It's an obligation and you can't back out now." she argued.

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