Chapter Five- Where's Your Sense Of Adventure

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CHAPTER FIVE- Where's Your Sense Of Adventure☑

"He's what?" I asked for the eighth time. The question kept repeating itself like a broken record. No matter how many times I asked, the answer remained the same.

Davie sighed tiredly. I knew I wasn't exactly being easy on him. But what he was doing was a huge mistake. Mason and his band of misfits had caused thousands of dollars in damages. They did this- he did this.

The thought of them breaking into the aquarium was still infuriating. A good twenty volunteers and staff members had cleaned up their mess. It took all day and we only scraped through the surface of the damages.

Unfortunately Brie volunteered Laine to help out. To say the least, I made sure we weren't in the same room. I had managed to avoid her at all costs.

That was a challenge....but this. This request from Davie, was ridiculous!

Now I was stuck with a whole new set of problems. The problem being my new co-worker, Mason Reynolds.

"Ally, I don't think repeating it again is going to help." Davie sighed, rubbing his hands over his face.

"I know that. I'm just waiting until you correct yourself. That thing is not going to step foot in this aquarium ever again. Right?" I pressed on waiting for Davie to agree with me.

"For the last time Ally; Mason Reynolds is the newest employee. This is punishment until the end of the school year. He's going to work here without pay until you kids head off to college." He stated, then he leaned over and his whole demeanor changed. He was going to say something serious now, "His other option was jail time and a mark on his permanent record. I don't have it in me to do that to a kid with a wrong sense of direction. He's not a bad kid Allyson, he's just a kid trying to keep it together."

Was I supposed to let him off the hook that easy? Did Davie expect me to feel sorry for him? I don't think it mattered whether Mason worked here or not, this place could get shut down, and it was his entire fault.

"You should have chosen jail." I said indifferently, "That guy isn't going to college. The only institute that'll ever take him is the prison kind."

"Give the kid a shot. He may surprise you." He raised his eyebrow.

"But most likely not. He's a crappy person because it's who he is. Mason is a lost cause because he has no cause." I said coldly dismissing Davie's reasoning.

"You don't mean that Thelma. You have faith in people, it's who you are." Davie said trying to reassure me. But lately my faith in people wasn't particularly strong.

"I'm not so sure, it's who I am anymore." I mumbled honestly.

"Where's your sense of adventure? You and Brie always loved a challenge. Think of this as your next great adventure!" Davie said in an attempt to get me on board.

"I'm not that girl anymore. I don't even have a sense of direction anymore Davie." I laughed bitterly.

"Come on Ally, you're still that girl."

"People change Davie." I retorted.

"People like Mason?" he challenged me.


"No you idiot!" I yelled for the millionth time.

Mason glared at me before attempting to feed Wally the Walrus again. This time he didn't flinch-that much. I laughed loudly as Mason jumped back and cursed under his breath.

Who knew the bad boy was scared of walruses? I sure didn't- but now I do and it was golden. Really it was amusing and was the only thing keeping me from killing him.

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