Chapter One- My Best Friend, My Sister, My Louise

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CHAPTER ONE- My Best friend, My Sister, My Louise

The summer breeze was still fresh this morning. I rolled down the windows and allowed myself to enjoy my last rays of freedom. The last hours of my last adolescent summer.

Tomorrow I will start my first day at JFK High as a senior. I guess i'm excited, I mean it is senior year. The year to start off the rest of my life. The lasy year I'll be a resident in my small beach town.

Senior year in Clearbay was generalized like this- parties, pranks, and prom. The three most important p's of every student at JFK High. It's what every senior has to look forward to. No matter if you're a jock or a nerd, the three p's are inevitable.

It broke down the walls of cliques in our school. But that was for tomorrow. Because today it was still summer. And our small town was out and about taking advantage of our last day of summer.

This morning I got a text from Brie, my bestfriend, telling me to meet her at Clear Bays Aquarium. It's where we usually go when one of us has big news.

Like when Brie's parents got divorced, we had spent the whole day there. Or when I lost my first tooth, we searched the damn place for the tooth fairy.

Note that Wally the Walrus is NOT the tooth fairy.

From first times to last times, the Bays Aquarium has seen it all. Well at least for Brie and I.

But this morning, when she texted me, she hadn't given so much as a clue. Which was odd because Brie knew I hated surprises. I'd like to know what i'm getting into. So she would usually give some hint to prepare me, whether it be a blow or not.

This morning was different however, she only sent a quick text giving me the time and place. Penguin wing of the aquarium, ten o'clock sharp.

So that's what i'm doing now, i'm driving on my way to the Bay Aquarium. I was a little nervous due to the lack of information, but for the most part, I was excited to see Brie. I had missed her all summer since I had left Clear Bay.

I had spent the whole summer in North Carolina visiting my Aunt Melissa. And she had a strict no phone policy, limiting my communication with Brie. Mom and Dad didn't mind, because that meant they had my individual attention.

My parents made a big show out of spending more time together. They wanted qoute, "One last good summer together."

I don't think they understand that i'm starting senior year, not going off to my death. The whole summer they had suffocated me with their attention and I have to say, i'm glad to be home.

In North Carolina it was like they morphed in these over bearing people who wanted to suck the life out of me. Everything we did was revolved around me. Movies, restaurants, and whatever we did that day, everything was up to me. I liked it, for awhile- but then it got really annoying.

It was like having two shadows contantly in tow of me. I moved. They moved. I tried to hide. They'd find me.

They were unnaturally happy, it was really scary. Mom treated me like glass, threatening to break at a moments notice. And dad treated me like a five year old, ready to buy me anything I wanted. But as soon as the word 'college' popped, up they did a whole 180.

Mom would cry and lock herself in a room, until one of us had to pry the door open. Dad on the other hand would laugh hysterically and talk about cricket.

He doesn't even know what cricket is.

Needless to sucked being an only child. I wished that I had a brother or sister to steal the spotlight. I hated that mom and dad focused only on me. It was like I didn't have any room to breath.

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