Chapter Fourteen- Um What Is This, Motel Roach?

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"I can't believe you did this Allyson Grace Craine." Aunt Chrissy chastised me, "And you, this was your doing I presume Mr. Reynolds." She hissed turning her warm affectionate gaze to an icy glare in a matter of seconds.

"Mrs. Wallace as long as we've known each other, do you really think I'd drag Allyson here into this?" Mason asked feigning hurt, "Allyson here seems like the type of person who doesn't do anything she isn't willing to do. "

"Are you insinuating my niece took part of this without any influence?" She snapped.

"Mrs. Wallace Allyson really didn't -" Laine piped in before I cut him off.

"I did it on my own accord. I even dragged the boys in because I needed some muscle. Like Mase said, I don't do anything I'm not willing to do on my own." I said bravely finding my voice.

"Ally you don't have to lie for Reynolds sake, he's already hanging in by a very thin thread." My aunt frowned.

"I'm not." I shrugged, "I wanted to bring them in. I'll admit that I convinced Mason to let me use his key card because I knew Brie or I would be the first one's suspected."

"Sweetie are you saying you planned this whole thing?" She sighed, I gave her a curt nod, "I guess I have no other choice but to punish you...Mason, Laine, and you are all assigned to one month of detention, and ....." she paused and inhaled through her nose clearly troubled, "you're all banned from the senior trip." She added sadly.

"What!" Laine and I exclaimed. Mason on the other hand didn't look pissed; he just sat back with a blank expression. Nice Reynolds-way to show your concern.

"Aunt Chrissy you can't be serious! I've dreamt of going on this trip all my life." I yelled pathetically.

"Principal Wallace can't we do something else as punishment? I've already paid for the trip." Laine all but begged.

"I'm sorry kids, my mind is made up. What kind of principal would I be if I let this slide with little consequence?"

"You'd be a pretty awesome one." I blurted out.

"I have to do this Allyson, I'm sorry. I'll be calling your parents this evening to inform them all of your punishments...and Allyson I'll see you when you get home. Don't think I'll let this get past your parents."

The boys filed out and left for class. I lingered back too tired and frustrated to get back to class. Our prank had backfired and Laine, Mason, and I got caught red-handed.

"I'm really disappointed in you Allyson." Aunt Chrissy frowned.

"I'm disappointed in you too principal Wallace." I replied back coolly before stepping out.



"You haven't talked to your parents or aunt in a month Al. Don't you think you're taking this too far already?" Gaby asked.

We were out having lunch one Saturday afternoon. Collins, Gaby and I needed to have a girls day out, and I had time to kill. Brie was busy with a family dinner and couldn't make it.

"No, taking it too far would be to emancipate myself." I answered with a smirk.

"Brie said that if you don't start talking to them we should all have an intervention for you." Collins said sipping on her mocha.

"Shh! An intervention is supposed to be unexpected not foretold you idiot." Gaby scowled.

I waved them both off, "Relax the minute they tell me what they're hiding I'll go back to their graces."

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