Chapter Two- That's Quality Heart Attack Material

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CHAPTER TWO- That's Quality Heart Attack Material

"Sweetie wake up." A faint voice called. I groaned, and willed my magical powers to make the intruder go away.

"Carol, she's still sleeping and it's too early."

Your powers are lagging. A small voice teased me.

It's too damn early in the morning to deal with you.

"Oh hush Derek!" Mom warned dad, there voices piercing through sleepy state. "It's her first day of...senior y-year." Mom choked out.

I groaned into my pillow and pulled the sheets over my head. I felt someone tugging at them, trying to pry them away from me. I pulled back harder, but they were stronger than me. I pulled it one last time, but they won and left me bare.

My leg however wasn't going to lose the battle. It shot out and hit something hard, and then I heard a deep groan.

"Son of a-"

"Language!" Mom chastised dad before he could curse.

"I'm sorry but your daughter has one hell of a kick." Dad whined in pain.

I picked me head out of the pillow and peered at the clock. It read it was only six o'clock.

Were they honestly trying to kill me? Was that their intention? I do not rise before the sun. And I am a firm believer that a person should never-under any circumstance-rise before the sun.

It's a crime against humanity!

"May I ask why you both are in my room at the crack of dawn?" I croaked out, my voice still ragged.

"Your mother thought it would be cool if we saw you wake up. I told her it was creepy. But she said you took too long waking up and she tried to wake you herself." Dad explained selling mom out all the while trying to make it sound normal.

There was no way that was normal.

"It wasn't creepy! Parents do that all the time." Mom scoffed, defending herself.

"What? Stalk their children." Dad asked rhetorically.

"I wasn't stalking her! I was just simply watching her sleep-cant a mother do that without being dubbed a freak? Parents do that!" Mom said raising her voice, but it only came out squeaky. Dad chuckled and kissed her forehead affectionately.

"Mom. Dad. That's way beyond weird, now please get out of my room." I said forcing my self to yawn to emphasize my weariness.

"Oh-alright Ally Cat." Dad said, escorting mom out by the elbow.

"We'll be back in an hour! We're gonna do this all over again young lady!" Mom called out before dad shut the door on her face.

Why couldn't my parents have tried for one more kid? I laid in bed listening to them argue about whether this was crossing some boundary.

For the record, it was.

Mom had always been clingy. She was a hands on parent. However, since my senior year had inched closer, it seemed as if something triggered her. Like some wires were crossed in her hardrive and she was going haywire.  Her love for me before was suffocating--but now it was obsessive. As if she didn't want me to grow up.

Dad on the other hand had been more lenient. We were close in that tradional father daughter dynamic. Of course he's still the same guy who'd rather have his daughter become a nun rather than someone's 'Baby Momma'. Totally understandable.

But my sane dad had disappeared too. Both of them were going to be the death of me. I doubt I'll make it to Christmas without one of them trying to pull me out school.

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