Chapter Sixteen- My Life Is A Sick Teen Movie

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Chapter Sixteen- My Life Is A Sick Teen Movie

Do you ever just get caught up in the moment, and you throw all caution to the wind? Like the second you are currently in is so fantastic that you don't even think of the aftermath. It's so heavenly and you don't even want to imagine what comes next, because in the back of your mind you think nothing will ever compare.

That's this moment. This very moment I'm sharing with the last person I least suspected.

The way he makes me feel is beyond amazing, and all it really took was just a simple gesture. Just one split second of warmth and it was...divine.

"I'm sorry princess I had to." He whispered against my lips.

"Don't be sorry." I smiled giving him a small peck that sent fire through my veins, "I quite enjoy kissing a beast." I pulled away and winked.

"HEY YOU CRAZY KIDS GET BACK HERE!" The fat security guard screamed.

"Let's go." I laughed tugging Mason along.

We ran a good five minutes when Mason had stopped. The fireworks show was ending and he had pulled me into a kiss. It was filled with urgency and excitement and I have to say it was absolutely heavenly.

But that lasted about a minute before grumpy and the rest of seven dwarfs started chasing us. Now we're calling it a night and making our grand escape.

Once out of the park gates, we went to check into a motel. Mason and I had made about three hundred dollars in our costumes. So we had some money to splurge.

"You take the left bed, I'll take the right." I ordered.

"What about Laine?" Mason began to protest. Just then my phone went off with a text from the man himself.

Spending the night w/Brie. Good luck with lover boy.

I picked up my phone and flashed the text in his face. Mason smirked, before realization hit and he frowned. "We could always go back and exchange the two beds for one." He suggested hopeful.

I shook my head, "No, this works out fine. Now I'm gonna take a shower, I hugged one too many sticky kids and ran from the seven dwarfs." I scrunched my nose as I imagined the smell I'm giving off.

"I could-"

"No! I prefer to shower alone." I slammed the bathroom door before I could hear anymore protests.

I took a long hot shower and readied for bed. I was too exhausted to even put effort in my sleepwear. I just pulled on a pair of black sweats, and a pink tank then piled my hair in bun and called it a night.

I liked Mason- but not enough to actually put effort in my pajamas. Hell I don't think I'd put this much effort when it came to anyone.

After Mason's record-five minute- shower, we were both in bed. The lights were off, but I could tell we weren't nearly as tired as we should have been. I turned on my side so that I was facing Mason, and was a bit surprised to find him already staring at me.

"Like what you see?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Very much." He grinned, we stayed silent after that. But after five minutes Mason spoke his voice soft and gentle, "What were you going to say before we were chased?"

"I-" Maybe I should wait until the right moment. I don't want to be like 'Oh yeah wanna be my Okay well nighty night!'

Instead I chose to open up a can of worms, that I'm sure I'll regret. I want to know Mason and not just his reputation. Because sitting here in the dark with him is getting old, and I want to know more about this guy. I know all about the rumors and the stuff that's cringe worthy, but I don't actually know him. And he's never put in effort of actually telling me anything.

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