Chapter Thirty- Love Makes Family

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Chapter Thirty- Love Makes Family

Fallon stared blankly ahead when I finished. I waited in anticipation for her reaction. Would she yell, scream, throw breadsticks at me?

Finally she looked up at me. My breath caught and I wondered until she put me out of my misery.

"Take me home." she said quietly.

" Fallon-"

"Just take me home Allyson." she demanded angrily her green eyes filled with rage and confusion pierced me.

This was the reaction I dreaded. It was also the one I expected the most. I nodded silently and we all got up to leave. Mason remained silent and gave me a sympathetic look.

He was in my shoes once. The bearer of bad news and I too treated him harshly. But it was nothing compared to how I treated my parents that night.

Mason drove out of the parking lot. The car was silent as Fallon sat in the back staring blankly out the window. The same questions that roamed her mind were the ones that still shadowed mine.

The what ifs that never seemed to end were haunting her as they had with me.

When we neared her town, where Raven and Elliot waited knowingly, she spoke up.

"How long have you known?" she asked slicing through the tense silence.

I looked at her through the rearview mirror. "A couple weeks." I asnwered her.

"Does it get better?" she asked meakly. I didn't need to ask what she meant.

Fallon wanted to know if the questions ever get answered. If the what ifs really mattered. If the anger ever subsided, if the betrayal would be forgotten, if the trust would ever come again.

But did it get better?

"I sure hope so." I told her honestly.

I sat by and listened to the screaming match. Mason watched beside me as Fallon, and her parents went at it. The screaming came first, then the apologies, then some more screaming, crying happened somewhere in the mix.

Let's just say, it was exhausting. Mason and I tried escaping a few times, but Raven insisted I stayed. Being the good girlfriend I am, I told Mason to leave. But being the stubborn boyfriend he is, Mase refused to leave me with the Hudson's.

"How could you keep this a secret mom! She's my sister, your daughter!"  Fallon shouted angrily. "Adoption is one thing, but keeping her a secret is another."

"I didn't have any options back then  Fallon!" Raven cried out. "My life was torn away from me. I didn't want her-"

My body grew rigid and I stared at Raven. She stepped towards me but I held my hand up to stop her. "Don't." My voice came out thick. "J-just don't okay." I all but snapped.

"No Ally, that's not what I meant!" Raven cried frantically as she tried to touch me. I flinched away from her.

"Mason it's time to go." I said emotionless. Elliot stepped towards me but I waved him back to. He looked broken by it.

"Ally please don't leave." he pleaded.

"My parents are expecting me. Goodbye." I grabbed Mason's hand and practically dragged him out when Fallon stopped me.

"She didnt mean it Ally. I pushed her to far, I know she doesn't mean it." She tried to justify in a last ditch effort. I looked behind her where Raven looked on in shock.

"If she didnt mean it, then why did she keep me a secret?" I mumbled. Raven gasped, Elliot frowned deeply, and Fallon just took this all in.

Then I left. Because I was never meant to be in their family. I was a careless mistake and Raven didn't want me. I was her secret, her mistake, her fucking burden.

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