Chapter Four- Your Inner Perv Likes The Bad Boy

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CHAPTER FOUR- Your Inner Perv Likes The Bad Boy

I woke up the next morning hoping that last nights news report were all a bad dream. But as I looked around my room and caught the reflection of my puffy worn out eyes, I realized it wasn't.

Who could have possibly done this? The aquarium held so much importance in our community. It wasn't just an aquarium. It was a home to the many animals that inhabited it.

It was home to Me. Not to mention that it was the only income some employees had to support their families.

Like Davie, he had a wife and two children to support. Many of the older employees were in similar situations. However, it was the animals that suffered the most. They were in risk of losing their home.

If we didn't do something soon, then they were going to be shipped off. And the nearest shelter is eight hours away. I could only imagine the damage that could be caused.

But with a sudden determination, I realized sulking in bed wasn't going to do anything. I got dressed and prepped to make a change. To do something about the aquarium because someone had to.

"Ally, sweetheart, we heard what happened, are you okay?" Mom asked sympathetically.

Are you asking about the part about Brie, or the aquarium, because a lot of crap is going on in my life it's hard to choose just one.

"I'm fine mom. What's for breakfast?" I asked taking my place at the table.

"We're having pancakes." She answered furrowing her eyebrows.

"Good." I smiled broadly.

Mom cautiously set the plate in front of me. I don't blame her, I mean the place I loved the most was straddling on a thin line. And here I am with the fakest-broadest smile on, eating pancakes.

"Good morning family, what's for breakfast?" Dad greeted us cheerfully, plopping down next to me.

"Pancakes." I answered through a full mouth.

"That's disgusting Allyson. Chew your food, don't showcase it." mom grimaced, turning away. I chuckled and quietly ate the rest of my breakfast as If all was right in the world.

I caught dad giving mom a 'what's the catch?' look, and she only shrugged. My parent's probably suspected, I had something up my sleeve. But in all honesty, I didn't. I just woke up this morning with the determination to fix my life.

I scarfed down the rest of my food before trying to head out the door. But mom called me back, and asked me where I was going. I thought it would have been obvious, I was going to "school" but really I was going to the aquarium.

"Um isn't it obvious?" I shrugged.

I had sworn off lying for a lifetime. I had done it enough in the past two days to surpass my life lies capacity. But in this case, I just chose not mention the truth. See? No harm-no foul.

"Oh please, I changed your diapers. I know when you're lying. Now spit it out young lady, where are you really going?" Mom raised her eyebrow, placing her hand on her hip.

"First of all- EWW! I don't need to hear about you changing my diapers. Secondly- I'm not going where you think I'm going." I answered, remaining as vague as possible.

"And where do you think-I think you're going?" Mom raised her eyebrow.

"Geez mother I could be going to Paris for all you think. But in case you're wondering I'm not going there." I answered, giving her the runaround.

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