Chapter Ten- Moves Like Patrick Swayze

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"What's wrong with you?" Brie asked holding down my arm. "You've been giving everyone the cold shoulder since we left the aquarium. What did Reynolds tell you in there?"

I could have lied and said nothing, but then again I swore off lying. And I had to admit; I have been giving off the cold shoulder. Earlier when we arrived at homecoming, Grayson asked for a dance but instead I ran off to the bathroom, with lame excuses touching up my makeup.

I avoided Grayson, my friends, and the dance at all cost. Mason's secret with my aunt was killing me. I wanted to know, but something told me it was more than curiosity that had me involved.

"It's what he's not telling me." I sighed leaning over sink to stare at the mirror.

Brie, Gaby, and Collins all frowned sympathetically when they saw me breaking down. It was what I loved about them. They didn't hesitate when they all came to my side for support.

"What isn't he telling you?" Gaby asked touching my shoulder comfortingly.

"Is it because he hasn't told you he likes you? It's obvious, even I can see it and I'm a ditz." Collins chimed in smiling at me warmly.

"You're not a ditz Col." I frowned. Collin wasn't stupid, she just did things differently and said what others wouldn't normally say. In a way it made her brave to be herself.

"Mason and Aunt Chrissy are hiding something." I said darkly.

The girls all looked at me confused. Should I tell them what I found out, or not? It's not that I don't trust them, it's just that it's not even my secret. At least that's what I have to remind myself from going crazy.

"I don't know all the details but this is all I know. My Aunt Chrissy is hiding this huge secret to protect this girl. Mason found out and wants to come clean to the girl but my aunt isn't letting him. She's promising a one-way ticket out of here for him so he won't have to work for his dad-WHO I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE DOES FOR A LIVING! But what's bothering me is that Aunt Chrissy seems to be guarding this secret with her life and Mason is oddly passionate about revealing the secret to help this girl out. They're both fighting to protect this girl from getting hurt and I want to know! I'm not the only one who sees how weird it is for the principal and the bad boy to be in cahoots with each other- am I?" I rambled using all the air in me.

All the girls stepped back their mouths agape. Great, I broke my friends! They're probably going to tell me how crazy I am. Then we'll end up fighting because I'm not crazy, I just have this sickening feeling that I'm more involved in Mason's secret. But my friends won't see that. They'll laugh and tell me to calm down. Then they'll say I'm crazy and everyone will tease me for being Nancy Freaking Drew.

Oh joy. NOT!

"Sweetie that's hectic." Brie broke the silence.

"So that's all you know?" Gaby asked titling her head.

"Yeah and it's driving me crazy. I mean on top of that I have to worry about the aquarium and everything just seems to be revolving around that infuriating delinquent!" I seethed my fists balled up in anger.

"Whoa calm down girly. That still doesn't excuse the way you've been treating Grayson. The poor guy asked if you hated him already and he's sulking out there." Brie said.

She was right it wasn't an excuse. Grayson was such a sweet guy all night and I was surprised my crazy mom didn't chase him away. He didn't even bat an eye when we stopped at the aquarium and he even offered to help me.

And what did I do? I ran off into the bathroom for my own pity party. Well I'm going to make it up to him-if he doesn't hate me already.

"You're right Brie doll." I sighed before straightening up, "Now if you'll excuse me, there's a really cute guy out there sulking away. I think he needs a dance to lighten up his mood."

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