Chapter 2: The Pool

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After we eat dinner I go over to CJ to see what's up, "Hey" I say trying not to sound weird. "Sup" he says while combing his fingers through his hair, "Do you want to do something fun, I mean to be honest you kind of look like one of those girls who reads all day and then obsesses over it". "I am not one of those stereo typical girls", "Oh really how many books did you bring on this cruise?" "Thr-one I brought one, just incase I decide to sit in my room with a nice cup of coffee and read all day." "So what your saying is you don't get out much", "Fine you got me, now what do you want to do?". "Go get your swimsuit we are going swimming together" "Um no offense but I barely know you so why would I go swimming with you?" "Oh come on I already know you like me so stop trying to hide it, now go get your little whole piece swimsuit with your YA book and meet me by the ice cream parlor". All I do is roll my eyes and walk away.
I wait by the ice cream parlor for Mia, but then I have a feeling that she isn't even going to come. Maybe I was a little to harsh on her....
There she was with her Victoria's Secret bikini on with her pretty curly hair blowing through the wind. She comes up to me and says "So like I said I'm not like those other girls maybe I like to read but I certainly don't obsess over them and who said I wear whole piece I think you got me twisted" " I um...." I had nothing to say. "Awe did I make you speechless, so cute. So are we going to swim or are we just going to stand here?" she says smiling,"Oh right I'm sorry."
Mia's POV
We go down the slide together a couple times and then we go swimming. While we're swimming I can feel him looking at me, then I stop him and ask him "About what you said earlier, about me liking you, you know I can't fall for someone in a day and I barely even know you so what makes you so sure?" "Well your always trying to show off when I'm around" he says laughing "For heavens sake I wear this swimsuit all the time, You know I thought you were going to be a pretty cool guy but I guess I was wrong" I say as I walk out of the pool. "Mia! Wait I'm sorry it's just that I've never seen a girl as pretty as you and I don't know how to act, we have this whole week to get to know each other can't we start now?" he says sounding desperate "I guess I am being a little stubborn, how about we get some ice cream my treat" "Um, Mia the ice cream here's free" "Well it's the thought that counts I say giggling a little". We eat our ice cream and talk for what it feels like hours and then I finally end the conversation and tell him "We need to go to bed it's almost 1am." "I guess so it was really nice getting to know you Mia" Same to you CJ." "How about I walk you to your room" CJ says with an innocent look on his face so I couldn't say no. "Good night CJ", I whisper down the hall as he's heading back to his room "Good night Mia" he says and keeps on walking.
I open the door and Taylor was right in front of me "Holy Crap you scared me to death" "Sorry sis but you gotta tell me everything I'm not going to sleep until you do, I knew that kid had a thing for you since the beginning" she says smirking, "Um sis this is the beginning its our first day"  I say while laughing at little.
I tell her EVERYTHING and then I go to sleep awaiting for the wonderful day ahead.

Wow I never knew I could write so much in one chapter lol I hope you liked this chapter.

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