Family Reunion

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I Rolled Over To The Sound Of Leca Telling Me To Get Up So We Can Get The Day Started I Picked Up My Phone And Read The Time That Said 11:30 . I Got Up Went To The Bathroom And Started With My Hygiene After I Was Done I Took My Shower..I Got Out Wrapped The Towel Around Me And Was Going Towards My Phone. I Was Listening To Say It Remix By Sevyn Streeter ..
Heard You Got About 4 Bitches Tried To Say You Have Less Boy Don't Do It If You Say I'm On Your Mindddd I Just Was You To Prove It...  
I Was Texting Jarvis When Somebody Banged On The Bathroom And Scared The Hell Out Of Me I Dropped My IPhone On The Counter And Screamed..
Me: Who The Fuck Is That Banging On My Bathroom Like That..
I Heard Giggling ..
Imani: it Me Riah mommy Taid Come .
Me: When Did Momma Get Here..But Okay I'm Coming .
I Went To Pick Up My Phone And Saw My Screen Was Cracked ....WTF ... time For A Update Anyways I  Walked Out My Bathroom Got Dressed *pic of Mariah And Outfit In MM* and Went Down Stairs..
Mom: Well Good Morning Mariah It Took You Long Enough.
I Looked Around Leca And Imani Was Sitting On The Couch And My Mom Was Coming From The Kitchen With A Bottle Of Water..
Me: Yea Ik Hey Momma .
Mom: well What's Wrong With You This Morning.?
Me: Well Your Little Messenger Here Decided To Beat On My Door Scaring Me And Making Me Do this..
I Showed My Cracked IPhone
Mom: Damn ...
Me: Yea So whatever It Is We Doing Today I Might Have To Just Meet Up With You after I Leave Sprint Because This Is Not Wassup.
Mom: Okay That's Fine ..I Have To Go To Chelles And Get Her And Tiffany But I Gotta Get my Best friend *lecas mom* Y'all Just Meet Me At Chelles.
Me: Okay That's Fine.
With That being Said She left Out And We Was Right After Her. We Got In My 2015 Black Camaro I Strapped Imani In  and Headed Towards Sprint .
Jarvis Pov
Me: So You Wanna Tag Alone With Us To Florida ?
Trey: Do I Have A Choice ..? my Mom And Your Mom Already Planned Us To go Something My Mom,Your Mom, And Grandmother Had Already Discussed And Didn't Tell Us Anything About ..Because Jaleca Didn't Know Anything Either Until Riah Said Something And I'm Guessing She didn't either.
Me:So I Guess y'all Going To My Dads To ?
Trey:Shit Probably So you Know How Our Family Is.
Me: Shit Right But I Gotta See where We Gone meet Them At Cause My Momma Trynna Do Something Idk ..
I Pulled Out My Phone And Called My Sister.
*Phone Call *
Me: Aye Where Y'all At..
Riah: Omw To Sprint..
Me: Aweeee Man I Need To Go To Sprint And Get Me A New Phone.
Riah: What Kind You Want I Was Gonna get The 6S Rose Gold..
Me:I Wanted The Gold One.
Riah: K I'll Get It Just Text Me Your Stuff That Your Account  Is Under.
Me:Ight .
We Hung Up The phone And I Texted Her The Information . That's My Baby I Swear I Love My Sister To Death She Means The World And More To Me Her And Imani Is My Heart I Will Kill Over Them But Ain't Nobody Gone Step To Them And Ik That's For A Fact.
Riah Pov
I Pulled Up To Sprint And Ran Straight In The Store ...
Employee: hi Welcome To Sprint I'm Kiara Will You Be Buying Or Paying A Bill Today.?
Me: Hi Umm I Will Be Buying For Two Accounts.
Employee: Okay And Who Will The First One Be For.
Me: Mariah Jackson.
Kiara: Okay .
I Pulled Out My Phone And Checked My Phone And Saw that My Brother Texted Me His Info And Told me he Was Gone Meet Me at Aunty Chelles..
Kiara: Umm It's Time For you To Upgrade Anyway.
Me: Yea I Thought So ...
Kiara: Is It A Certain Phone That You Was Looking At.
Me: Yes Actually I Wanted To Look At The Rose Gold IPhone 6S Plus..
Kiara: I Gotta See if We Got any Left They Been Going Like Crazy..
She walked To the Back..I Looked At Jaleca..
Me: She Keep Looking At Me Like She Know Me ..
Leca: Shit She Might Do....But How We Don't Fuck With Too Many...
Me: That's What I'm Trynna Figure Out..
Imani: Riah Me Hungry..
Me: Okay We Gone Get Some Lunch When We Meet Up With Everybody.
Leca: Ask Her Do She Know You ....
I Shook My Head Okay And Waited For Her To Come Back..
Kiara: Ms.....Jackson This Is The Last One Surprisingly You Came At the Right Time Because The Next Ones Don't Come Till Next Week.
Me: That's Great . I Want That And For The Other Account It's Under Jarvis Jackson. And He want The Gold.
Kiara: Okay Lemme Go Grab It And Ring You Up.
She Came Back With Both Of The Phones And Rung Them Up..
Me: I Have A Question You Have Been Looking At Me Like You Know Me The Whole Time I Been here Know Me.?
Kiara: Is Your Name Lovely.Ri *made up* On Instagram..
Me: Yessss...
I Said kinda Weirded Out I Know I Have A Lot If Followers But I'm Not Famous For Instagram I'm Known But Not By That It's By My Father And Family.
Kiara: Umm Is Your Dad Name Juan Jackson..?
Me: Yessss..How you Know That.
Kiara: Well Before My Mom Got Killed She Told Me That My Farther Was A Known Big Time Drug Dealer In Atlanta She told Me She Was Living Here Until She got Pregnant then When She told Him He Was Happy But She Wasn't She Wanted To leave So she moved Me To Detroit And Got Killed when I Was 14..So i Stayed With my Aunt That Lived Their Till I Was 16 Working My Butt Off At A Part Time Job At Krystals. I Graduated High School Early And Decided To try And Find my Father..I took The Money I Had Saved Up And Moved Down Here . I Lived In A Hotel The first Few Months Then Found My Grandmother And She took Me In she Also Took My money She Called Me A Disgrace And Told Me My Mom Left Her Because Me And That I'm The reason She Was Killed Because Her Husband Tried to rape Me And She Tried To stop Him And He killed Her ..
by This Time She was In Tears and My Eyes Was watering But She continued.
I Looked For Juan Every Day Until I Was 17 then I Stopped I Found You On Instagram Because You Was On The Beauty Page I Looked On Your Page And Saw Pictures And Videos of You And Your Family Then I Saw a Picture Of You And A Man I Looked At The Picture My Mom Gave Me Of Him And Couldn't Believe It ..I Commented But Wouldn't Think you Would see it Because Of All The Comments On the Photo..I Could See How much Y'all Looked Alike It Was Crazy I Saw A Little Of Him In Me But I Really Just Saw How I Wanted A Bond With You Like A Big Sister Little Sister I Always Wanted A Big Sister But I Didn't Wanna Just Come To You Like That Or Even Like This But I Had To tell You Because I Couldn't Hold It Back No Longer And When I Saw you I Felt It Was The Perfect Time But Not The Right Place..I Carry This Around With Me ..
She Ran To The Back Where I'm Guessing Her Things Was And Came Back With A Piece Of Paper. It Had The DNA Test And It Was 99% Sure She Was My Dads.
My Mom Got Him To Take This When I Was Younger And Mail It Too Her So He Would Know He Had Another Daughter . I Told My Grandmother I Was Looking For Him But She told Me He Did Not Wanna Be Bothered With Me And My Momma Didn't Either .
Me: Oh My Gosh....
I Couldn't Do anything But Hug Her And Cry With Her She Been Through So Much It's Crazy .
Me: Well Your Stuck Now Baby ..How Are You 17 And Got This Job.
Kiara: My Resume And Recommendations They Said I Was Very Mature And That I Was Classified I Did The Training And Started Right Away And Plus I Graduated .
Me: Well Baby Your Gonna Meet Your Father Well Our Father Brother Little Sister And My Mom..What Time You Get Off .
Kiara: Well I Came In At About 7 But I Had A Doctors Appointment And Came Back.
She Looked Down .I Looked Real Hard And Realized She Was Pregnant .You Couldn't Tell Because The Sweat Shirt She had On .
Me: Oh My Gosh You Have A Little One In Their . how Many Months ? and Gender ?*
Kiara: Yes I Do And 8.. 1 More  month..& Boy I Hope Imma Make It ..
She said While Holding Her Back Like She was In Pain..Oh My God Do not Let My First Day Meeting My Unknown Sister Be the day I Meet My nephew.
Me: Kiara Talk to Me What's Wrong..
She Looked Down And Her Pants Was Wet WTF Man Really...I Ran Grabbed The Phones And Rushed Her To The Hospital..This Shit Is Ridiculous How Am I Gonna explain This To My mom And Them I Called Her...
Mom: Hello Yes Baby Where Are You..
Me: Mommy Did You Know Daddy Had Another Child.?
She Got Quiet For A While..
Mom: Mariah We Was Gonna Tell You When We Found Her But....
Me: Mommy I Met Her At Sprint Today Long Story Short She Told Me All About What Happen and Showed Me the Papers And All But She's Pregnant Ma And Her Water Just Broke I Rushed Her To the Hospital And They Rushed Her Back ..
Mom: What Hospital Are Y'all At we On Our Way ..
Me: Piedmont ...Right Down the Street From Jarvis Their Yet.?
Mom:yes Baby We Was All Waiting On You But We On Our Way Your Father Too.
Me : Okay ..
I Walked Back to the Desk And Asked For Her ...
Secretary: Yes Right This Way.
I Followed Behind Her Until We Got To This Room ..
Kiara: Sissy I Hope It's Okay To Call You That But Oh My God I'm In So much Pain..
Me: Yess Baby That's Fine But Just Breath Baby Breath..
Then The Doctor Walked In..
Doctor: Umm Ms.Jackson Is This The One Person You Would Like In Here During Your Delivery..
Kiara: Yes Of Course That's My Big Sister..
All I Could Do Was Smile I Didn't Know This Girl But It Felt Like We Been Knowing Each Other Forever How close We Was Bonding..
Doctor: Well It's Time...
Me: She didn't even Need The epidural.?
Doctor: No Ma'am She came At The right Time And It Looks Like She can Push This Baby Out Natural In No Time.
I Looked At her She was Breathing Hard And Looking at me Scared I Walked To Her And Held Her Hand.
Me: You Got This Baby..
She shook Her Head. The Doctor Told Her To Push And Push And Push . I Swear This Girl Was Squeezing The Blood Out My Hand but She was A Soldier Doing It Well ..
Minutes Later The Doctor Was Pulling The Baby Out And Ready For Me To cut The Cord. I Cut It and They Wrapped Him Up .she Told Them She wanted Them To clean Him Up He Was ADORABLE ...
Me: Good Job Baby sis.
Kiara: Thank You So Much.
I Smiled .
Me: I will Be back.
I Walked Out The Room And Down to the lobby Everybody Was Their My Mom Aunt Celle Dad Jarvis Trey Tiffany Leca Imani Brittney *Leca mom* and Mike *lecas dad*.. I Told Them All To follow Me. we Walked Back To The Room And she was Their Looking Nervous ..I Walked In.
Me: Kiara ..?
Kiara: Huh? she smiled.
Me:This Is Your Family.
She Had The Biggest Smile And tears Started Falling..
Kiara: Oh My Goshh..
I told Them To Introduce Their Self.
Imani:I Imani
Everybody Laughed Cause She smiled Showing All The teeth She was missing.
Jarvis: I'm Jarvis The Oldest .
Trey: I'm Trey Jarvis Best friend Jalecas Brother.
Jarvis: Nigga that Sound Gay.
She was Cracking Up.
Me: I Knew Y'all Had something Going On .
Everybody Started Laughing.
Jaleca:Well I'm Jaleca Mariah Best friend.
Channelle Aka Chelle: I'm Aunty Chelle Teresa Sister.
Tiffany: I'm Tiffany chelle Daughter.
Brittney: I'm Brittney Leca And Trey Mom And Teresa Best friend.
Mike: I'm Mike Leca And Trey Dad And Juan Best friend.
Teresa: I'm Teresa Mariah Jarvis And Imani Mom And Yours Also If That's fine With You.
She said With This Huge Smile ..It Made Her start Crying More.
Juan: I'm Juan ...Your Dad and I Have Been Looking For You As Hard As You Was Looking For Me .
Kiara: Oh My God This Is not The way I wanted To Meet You Guys But This Is The Most Perfect Day Of  My Life ..I Always Thought That I Was Going To have To go This By Myself Because My Grandmother Damn Sure Didn't give A Fuck If I Made It Through Or Not and His Daddy Well He's Dead Due To A car Crash That I Survived But He Didn't ..This Is So Crazy I Think This Was Meant To Happen Meant For Mariah To come To my Job And Ask Me why I was Looking At Her Like That...
She paused And Giggled.
Mom: Mariah....
Me: Welll Momma You Know How I am.
everybody Laughed.she continued.
I Love How y'all Are Happy And Seem Like Y'all Have A Good Time When Y'all Are Together That's all I Ever Wanted And Wished For and For this To Be Happening Is Crazy I Brought A life Into This World And Really Joined Into My Family's Life I Love All Of You Guys Already And Dad I'm Not Mad at You It's Not Your Fault You Wanted Me You Tried My Mom Took Me Away Because She said She thought It Was Best Buy It Really Wasn't I Didn't have No One To Tell Happy Father's Day too And Learn The Game From Or Learn How I Suppose To judge A dude How To Treat Me by Running It By Dad...But It's Not Too Late I found Y'all Now And It's Just Like A Family Reunion ..
Everybody In Their Was In Tears.
Me:This Is So Cute Right Now Like Oh My God.
Jarvis: Riah Get Yo Ass Out Of Unicorn Land ..
Everybody Started Laughing .I Popped Him In His head.
Me: can't Nobody Ever Be sad Around Y'all.
Trey: Yea You Right Cause We Thugs .
Jarvis: Yea And Thugs Don't Cry. he said And Giggled And Pointed To My Dad.
Everybody Looked Towards My Dad And Started Cracking Up ..He laughed Himself.
Juan: Nahh I Think I'm Just Allergic To Hospitals .
We All Died Laughing . We Talked And Laughed .They Brought The Baby In We Held Him And Took Pics And Laughed and Talked Some More. We All Welcomed Dejuan King Jackson To Our Crazy Funny Cool Loving Family..I Must Say myself This Is The Best Start To A perfect Family Reunion.

I hope Y'all Like This Chapter I Do Very Much I Cried While Typing This But I Love It I Hope Y'all Do Vote And Comment Love You All.

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