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Love was just as perfect as a written poetry.


Because poetry and love let your imagination flows.
They both make you reach the clouds above.
They both make you think rationally deeper...
They tend to make you happy, sad, excited depending on the scenario given.
They make you feel yourself and think who you really are.
Poetry and Love makes you realize that... they are not perfect on their first tries.
You will have to have revisions, you will need to experience heartaches to learn. Until you finally reach the ending you deserve to have.


But Love and Poetry... has also a lot of differences.

Love is an another kind of element in life and Poetry is also another.

Love was never written easily.

Poetry's metrical. Love is unpredictable.
Poetry's quite easy going. Love has a lot of hardships.
Poetry is formulative. Love was questionable.
Poetry was born by imagination. Love was never imaginative.
Poetry's written by Love. But Love wasn't written base on a beautiful poetry.
Love always has its own turn of events. It was never easy flowing.
It needs lots of patience to continue loving. But just like poetry it has many right and wrong turns.

There are two things poetry can't do that love can.

Poetry can make you see the beauty, while love can make you feel unexplanably beautiful.

And lastly, Poetry can make you appreciate life.

But Love is life itself.

(c) DekumiThalia 2015

Poetrical HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon