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December 31st, 2016
My Dearest Diary,

I just want this to all be over. My life, my story-- it's like a never-ending nightmare that I can't seem to wake up from. My new friends are willing to put their life on the line for me, but I wonder if that will still be the case once they find out the truth...

"Emmett," I said his name almost breathlessly as he continued to kiss along my neck. "There's something I need to tell you."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait," he mumbled as his hands ran down my sides, cupping my naked rump. "Right now, I have to show you that I'm better than a sex toy."

I bit down on my lower lip as I currently sat straddling his lap. Fisting his shirt I ripped it open, letting the buttons pop and fly everywhere. I let my eyes roam over his bulky body, feasting them on his well developed chest and abs.

His large hands gripped my waist as he forcefully thrust my pelvis into his enormous bulge. As he looked up at me lustfully, I decided there was always tomorrow to tell him my secret.


Got a feeling that I'm going under. But I know that I'll make it out alive. If I quit calling you my lover--You watch me bleed until I can't breathe. Shaking, falling onto my knees. And now that I'm without your kisses, I'll be needing stitches--

I groaned as I rolled over searching for my phone in the bed sheets. I really needed to change that ringtone. As my hand finally grasped the small cell, I cleared my throat before answering.

"Hello?" My voice was hoarse when I spoke and it sounded like I hadn't slept in days.

"You'll have to forgive me, sister. I forgot about the time difference."

My eyes shot open as I mentally face palmed myself for not looking at the caller id before answering.

"Now is not a good time, Elijah," I mumbled.

"I thought I had made myself clear." His tone was deathly serious, and even though he sounded calm, I knew he was upset. "I gave Niklaus my word, that I would bring you home," he informed me. "And I never break a promise."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't make promises you can't keep, Elijah" I replied. "And how did you get this number, anyways?" I challenged. "You know what, nevermind," I continued before he could reply. "You know where I'm at. Klaus knows where I'm at-- if he wants me back so bad, tell him he come get me himself!"

I jammed the red 'end call' button with my thumb, not even bothering to wait for a response. With the Volturi coming, I had enough to worry about. And I certainly didn't have time for this-- whatever 'this' was. As far as I was concerned, Klaus had his chance. Why now, after five years, does he suddenly care about winning me back?

I drug myself out of bed knowing there was no way I would fall back asleep now, and padded my way over to the shower. Why couldn't Elijah just leave me alone? Why couldn't they just let me live out the rest of my eternity in peace, I wondered.

"Is everything alright?" A deep voice suddenly called out.

I knew the voice belonged to Emmett but it still scared the hell out of me. I let out a tiny shriek as I spun around on the wet tile.

"Holy shit," I cried out as I landed in Emmett's muscular arms instead of my arse. "Thanks," I muttered.

"I didn't mean to scare you," he apologized. "I just got back from a hunt and expected to see you still in bed."

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