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Behind the lids of my closed eyes, I could feel a great bright light shining down on me. Was this the end? After all these years, was I finally being delivered into the abyss of afterlife?

A part of me didn't want to open them, unwilling to accept the truth that I was dead. But as they slowly slid upwards, one by one, I realized death was as far from the truth as I was.

"Thank goodness you're awake," Edward smiled down at me. "You had us worried there for a minute."

"No thanks to your lousy brother," Rebekah chided as she shoved Edward out of the way.

As I tried to sit up, Rebekah quickly rushed forward and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"You need to take it easy, " she gently helped lift me into a sitting position before going on. "You nearly died, and you still have Niklaus' blood coursing through your veins," she reminded me.

Speaking of Niklaus--

"Where is he?"

My eyebrows scrunched together at the odd sound of my voice. It was thick and rough sounding, like I had swallowed a glass full of nails.

"You've been passed out for a day," Edward informed me, no doubt hearing my thoughts. "Freya believes it may be due to the fact that you've died and come back to life so many times," he frowned. "Perhaps you should refrain from doing that again."

I nodded my head as I looked up at the both of them. "It's not like I'm trying to die," I scoffed.

As I continued to sit there for a moment, it dawned on me that they never answered where Niklaus was. And why on earth was Edward here? I narrowed my eyes at the both of them, knowing full well Edward had already heard what I was thinking.

"Where's Klaus?" I questioned "And why on earth are you here?" I turned my head towards Edward. "Is Emmett-- is he-- is he--"

My bottom lip began to quiver as I trailed off, unable to finish my sentence.

"Not yet," Edward shook his head solemnly. "But he doesn't have much longer."

"I don't-- what do you mean?" I asked.

"After you told Nik everything that happened, you passed out and then--" Rebekah paused, sharing a concerned look with Edward before continuing. "He bit Emmett."

"I've never seen him like this before," Edward tried to explain. "But he's having these hallucinations and his skin is forming tiny cracks all over."

"He's dying."

The words were barely above a whisper, but as both Edward and Rebekah nodded in agreement, I knew it was true.

I sat up even more. If Emmett was dying I couldn't just sit here.

"Where is Niklaus?" I demanded. This time, my tone held more of a deathly growl.

"We don't-- we don't actually know," Edward stumbled over the words.

"He and Freya have been out tracking the witch that helped Marcel, but we were to notify him as soon as you woke," Rebekah explained. "I'm sure he'll be back any time now."

I clutched the silky sheets of my bed with tightly clenched fists. To say I was angry would be an understatement. With unrivaled determination, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

"Take me to him."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Edward frowned.

"Listen to me," I hissed angrily at the two. "You either help take me to him or so help me I will scour this entire city--"

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