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Sunlight glared down on my face as my eyes slowly slid open. My neck felt stiff, like I had slept on it wrong, but when in the world had I fallen asleep?

Standing to my feet, I realized I was still I'm Niklaus' room, but from what I could tell, the hybrid was no where to be found. I turned to pull the covers up, in an attempt to somewhat make the bed, when a small leather bound book fell to the floor. Quickly recognizing it, I picked up the journal and turned to the last page.

February 14th, 2017
My Dearest Diary,
I must first confess-- I am an imposter and your hiding spot is no longer...

Blast, I thought. That damn bastard had actually read my diary.

But I couldn't stay mad at him. Not after everything we had been through. I was about to slam the journal shut, when a lone piece of paper fluttered to the floor. Quickly retrieving it, I sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled-- Niklaus' handwriting scrawled across it.

My Dearest Evelyn,

I humbly request your accompaniment, tonight at 7pm for a romantic roof top dinner in honor of St. Valentines Day.

With all my love,

I had just finished reading the note, when Frey and Rebekah burst into the room.

"She's done it, dear sister," Rebekah squealed as she clapped her hands in delight. "I told you she would."

I scrunched up my face as I stood from the bed. "Done what? Exactly?" I inquired, rather confused.

"Figured out a way to lift your curse!" Rebekah exclaimed as though I should have known exactly what she meant.

I stared, mouth gaping open slightly at the words I had longed to hear for so many years.

"You can thank me later," Freya smiled. "But c'mon," she said gesturing for me to follow. "We don't have much time."

I hurriedly threw on some jeans and a tank, barely having enough time to slip some flats on to my feet before rushing out the door. I ran my fingers through my damp hair as we walked down the streets, hoping to make myself slightly more presentable, when we came to stand just before the steps of a church. As I gazed up at the towering steeple, an uneasy feeling suddenly came over me.

"Maybe-- maybe we shouldn't do this." I let out a shakey breath as both sisters turned to gape at me.

"I thought this was what you wanted?" Rebekah challenged.

"It is. But--"

"But what?"

"Perhaps, she is having doubts, because unlike you two, she knows this will be our brothers undoing."

My eyes narrowed to slits as I turned to glare at the elder Mikealson brother.

"Elijah, this is none of your business," I snapped.

"I have spent more time with you in the past forty seven years then I have my own sister." His jaw clenched angrily as he spoke. "What you are about to do, not only effects me, but the lives of my sisters and my brother's mate," he shot back. "This very much is my business."

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