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I lunged forward just as Klaus ripped off the heads of Bella and Jasper.

"No, no no! You bastard!" I screamed. "What have you done?"

A flood of tears cascaded down my cheeks as I watched him toss their heads into the fireplace. Behind me, Emmett fell to his knees and I rushed back to his side. But what comfort could I possibly provide?

"I expect you to be packed and ready to go by sunset tomorrow."

I nodded my head, but barely registered what Klaus said as he passed by me and walked out of the house. The moment the front door closed, Klaus' compulsion on the rest of the family wore off and my heart sunk into the pit of my stomach. I was sure they would blame me for Bella and Jasper's deaths-- and why shouldn't they? It was my fault Klaus was even here in the first place.

I flinched away as Alice and Edward entered the room-- the rest of the family trailing slowly behind them. My heart broke as Renesmee cried out when she saw the body of her mother's lifeless corpse. As Ness fell into Jacob's comforting arms, I knew that if they could, Alice and Edward would be weeping as well. My head dropped into my hands as more tears fell.

What had I done?

After some time, Carlisle and Emmett carefully took the bodies out back to be burried. I stood towards the back and watched as everyone said their good byes. Eventually I snuck away and headed out towards my cabin.

Once there, I took a look around and began packing what little I actually had. When all was said and done, my entire life fit into two large suitcases and a carry on. I rolled them over to the front door and went to go take a hot shower. Secretly, I was hoping the scalding hot water would wash away all the guilt.

When that didn't work, I decided the one person I needed to talk to was Rebekah. She always had a way of putting things into a different perspective. I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed her number.


"Elijah?" I knew my voice was laced with confusion and I looked back down at the screen to make sure I had indeed dialed Rebekah.

"I thought I called Rebekah's phone," I said.

"You did," he replied. "But she is-- unavailable at the moment."

"Oh. My. God," I exclaimed. "I swear if you've daggered her again-"

"Relax, Evelyn," Elijah chuckled. "I can assure you that she is upright and breathing," he replied. "She's helping Hope get dressed and ready for school."

"Oh," I replied.

"I trust you're packed and ready to go?" he asked.

I answered cooly and even though he couldn't see it, my eyes narrowed to slits. "Did you know he was going to do this, Elijah?" I asked.

"While I may not approve of his methods, they are surprisingly effective, are they not? Besides, wasn't it you that said if he wanted you back he should come get you himself?" Elijah challenged. "What did you think would happen, Evelyn," he asked. "You didn't actually expect Niklaus to leave without you, did you?"

I opened and closed my mouth a few times, resembling a fish as I tried to think up a snarky response.

"I had hoped that he wouldn't come at all," I snapped but somewhere deep down inside, I knew that wasn't true.

"Wait. You're packed?"

I was suddenly regretting the decision I'd made to open the door to my cabin. Alice had been pounding relentlessly against it and the second I opened it, she barged in. It took her all but about five seconds to figure out I was leaving.

"Um, yeah. I guess I am," I answered her.

"You can't seriously be considering leaving with that man, can you?"

"What other choice do I have, Alice?" I asked.

"Any choice is better than this one," she shot back. "If you go with him, then Bella and Jasper died for nothing."

I looked down, feeling tears form in my eyes again and shook my head. She just didn't understand.

"I know it must seem like that to you," I said, "but if I stay here, Niklaus will kill every last one of you until I have no reason to stay at all."

Alice stepped forward and placed her hands on my shoulders, urging me to look up at her.

"Please, Evie, don't go with him," she begged. "That man is a monster."

Before I could answer, the door to my cabin slammed open and in strode Klaus. A devilish smirk was planted on his face and I knew he was just gloating inside.

"Time to go, Love," he smirked

For now, I would go easily so that no one else would die. But once we got home if he thought I was going to be the doting little wifey, he had another thing coming.

"At least let her say goodbye," Alice pleaded with him.

He clasped his hands behind his back as he seemed to consider her request for a moment.

"I suppose I could allow that," he finally agreed. "But make it quick."

Grabbing hold of my hand, Alice and I quickly rushed out of there before Klaus changed his mind. She brought me back to the main house where almost everyone was waiting inside.

A small smile formed on my lips as Edward was the first one to approach me. I sighed into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"For the record, I don't blame you," he whispered as he hugged me tightly.

"You don't know how much of a relief it is to here you say that," I sighed. "But what about Renesmee?" I asked.

He hesitated for a moment as he gently pulled away.

"She just needs some time," he assured me as he offered a feeble smile. "She'll eventually come around."

I nodded my head in understanding but I sure as heck didn't feel any better.

"My turn," Esme said as she took me from Edward and wrapped her arms around me next. "It was a pleasure having you here," she smiled. "And don't you dare blame yourself for what happened," she said.

"She's right," Carlisle agreed as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "And you are always welcome here," he added.

"Thank you," I smiled as I nodded my head at him. "That means a lot."

I looked around, knowing I didn't have much longer before Klaus would come and my heart tore in two.

"Where's Emmett?" I asked.

I could feel tears welling up, stinging my eyes. Was he really not coming to say goodbye?

"He left late last night, around the same time you did," Edward informed me. "Nobody's seen him since."

I heard the front door open and close and I turned around excitedly hoping it was Emmett.

"Come on now, Evelyn," Klaus said with a surprisingly gentle tone. "The car is here and we have a flight to catch."

I nodded my head and walked over to Klaus who promptly brushed away a few tears that had fallen. Wrapping a strong arm around my shoulders, he smiled down at me as he slowly guided us towards the door. I glanced back over my shoulder at the Cullen's one last time and a dark bitterness slowly settled in to my heart.

I kept waiting for Emmett to show up and declare his love for me-- to challenge Klaus to a duel-- fight to the death for me-- something-- anything! But he didn't. Emmett Cullen, the man I was willing to choose over Niklaus, was really just going to let me walk out if his life--


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