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The moment we burst out the door of that igloo, I grabbed hold of Evie and got us the hell out of there. I ran towards the main house, back on our territory, and never once did I look back over my shoulder.

"Bucket!" Evie yelled the second I set her down. I hadn't noticed it before, but she was suddenly looking very sweaty and very pale.

Alice must have seen it coming because she was already prepared. Extending the bucket to Evie, Alice quickly pulled back all of her hair while Evie completely emptied the entire contents of her stomach.

"I'm sorry," Evie apologized as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "The vampire speed-- it really messes with my head," she explained while tapping a finger to her temple.

"I'm the one that should be apologizing," I frowned. "I was so hell bent on getting out of there, I didn't even realize you were getting sick."

I flashed forward, gathering Evie into my arms before shooting Alice a look asking for a little privacy. I knew she understood when she smiled and walked away.

"I want you to know, I would have never handed you over to the Volturi," I began. "I was just so angry," I paused, looking away. "It felt like everything I knew about you was a lie."

"I know," she replied. "And for that, I'm sorry. I never meant for you to find out like that."

I nodded my head, and when I thought back about it, I realized she had tried to tell me. I had just been too selfish to listen.

Looking down at her once again, I leaned forward to place a kiss on her head-- My eyes angrily traveled down to the tiny puncture wounds on her neck, and I couldn't get what that bastard had done out of my mind. My thumb lazily traced the mark, and I gazed back into her eyes.

She had liked it, I thought to myself as I remembered the breathy moan that had left her lips. I could feel my anger and jealously return and I knew that even though I didn't want to know the answer, there was something I needed to ask her.

"You love him, don't you."

It wasn't really a question, and I knew my face was distorted with anger. I looked away from her, refusing to make eye contact while I waited for her answer.


Just as my heart was beginning to crumble, Evie grabbed my face. She pulled my head down, forcing me to look at her as she spoke.

"I can't explain it, but I love you too," she told me. "But right now, we've got bigger fish to fry."

Evie stood in the middle of the living room with my family gathered around her as she began telling us everything.

"I never meant for any of this to happen," she confessed. "I should have never come here."

"Everything happens for a reason," Carlisle began," and I for one, am eternally grateful that you came. You and Emmett were both in a very dark place and I think you coming here was exactly what the two of you needed," he said.

"Maybe that's true," Evie contemplated. "But I need you all to understand something. As long as Klaus is here, we are all in danger," she warned.

"We've battled an army of newborns before," Jasper informed her. "I'm sure we can handle one vampire."

Evie shook her head. "But he's not just a vampire," she told us. "He's a hybrid-- and the original hybrid at that."

"Hybrid?" I frowned. "You mean like Renesmee?" I asked.

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