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February 28th, 2017
My Dearest Diary,

It has been fourteen days since Freya lifted my curse and every day is more delightful than the last. He may have been selfish, but I now believe that Niklaus truly had the best intentions when he bound my life to his. I love this man, more than anything. And on top of that, I have the most exciting news...

I laid my diary aside and slowly stood to my feet. Before heading out to find Nik, I went back into the bathroom and double checked the white stick lying on top of the sink.

Still positive.

I let out a long breath I hadn't even realized I was holding.

"Now to go tell your Daddy," I smiled as I looked down at my belly.

Taking the steps two at a time, I flew down the staircase to the central courtyard but much to my disappointment, it was empty. Perhaps they were in Nik's study. Sure enough, as I got closer I could hear the voices of four of the five Mikealson siblings, although I was sure all five were actually present.

"Everybody out!"

Rebekah clamped her mouth shut as she turned to glare at me. No doubt her and Freya had been in some sort of argument with Kol and Elijah while Klaus sat silently calculating his next move-- but I didn't care. The only person I cared to see right now, was the curly haired hybrid, sitting in his arm chair with a glass of scotch in one hand and an amused smirk on his face.

"Evelyn, my love. It would seem my dear siblings, here, have some safety concerns regarding tonight's ball--"

"I'm sure whatever you all come up with will be just fine," I said in a rush as I moved towards Niklaus, cutting him off.

"Evelyn, I don't think you fully under--"

"I understand," I argued. "I do. But right now I want everybody out!" I shouted again.

Elijah regarded me for a moment, and although I knew it wasn't even slightly possible for him to know, I was still worried he did.

"Perhaps we should discuss this a little later," Elijah agreed. "Come everyone, let's give these two some privacy."

The siblings certainly didn't like it, and Kol even grumbled how I was already acting like I owned the place, but once everyone was out, I shut the door tight. With a satisfied smile, I turned back around to face Nik.

"And what could be so important, that you felt the need to kick everyone out?" he asked with raised eyebrows.

I hesitated for a second as I crossed the floor to stand in front of him. I wanted this moment to be perfect, but I didn't even know what to say.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining or anything, but--" His words trailed off as he looked up at me. "Your not getting any pre coronation jitters, are you?"

The smile instantly fell from his face.

"No. No," I chuckled as I shook my head reassuringly. Only Niklaus would be worried that I was having second thoughts about staying with him the day of.

"It's nothing like that," I promised as I sat down in his lap.

"All right," he nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer. "So then, I think we should discuss--"

"I'm pregnant."

I clasped a hand over my mouth, surprising even myself for blurting it out like that, but I couldn't hide the gidy smile underneath.

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